The North Dakota Grape and Wine Association Presents 2022 Annual Meeting & Conference February 4-5 Days Inn, Casselton, ND Register at the door NDGWA Members-$95 Non-Members - $125 ACCOMMODATIONS: Governors' Inn Hotel 2050 Governors Dr. Casselton, ND 701-347-4524 Wire Tasting & Appetizers February 4| 6:30pm Governors Inn, Casselton, ND This is a wine competition of commercial and hobby wine makers. Come and visit with North Dakota winemakers and Vineyard Owners A $20 donation is appreciated. Limited tickets available. This event is held in conjunction with the ND Grape & Wine Association Annual meeting Please call Rodney Hogen, 701-238-3337, for reservations. The North Dakota Grape and Wine Association Presents 2022 Annual Meeting & Conference February 4-5 Days Inn, Casselton, ND Register at the door NDGWA Members-$95 Non-Members - $125 ACCOMMODATIONS: Governors' Inn Hotel 2050 Governors Dr. Casselton, ND 701-347-4524 Wire Tasting & Appetizers February 4| 6:30pm Governors Inn, Casselton, ND This is a wine competition of commercial and hobby wine makers. Come and visit with North Dakota winemakers and Vineyard Owners A $20 donation is appreciated. Limited tickets available. This event is held in conjunction with the ND Grape & Wine Association Annual meeting Please call Rodney Hogen, 701-238-3337, for reservations.