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  • Published Date

    April 27, 2019
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OUR TEAM AT FARGO JET CENTER SHARES A COMMON BOND: A PASSION FOR AVIATION They either had it before they set foot in our building, or they developed it as an immediate contributor to the team. We can all spot a Cessna 182 from a half-mile away, and our hearts beat a little faster with the thunderous roar of a jet engine overhead. Whether it's an acquired taste or simply in your blood; a passion for aviation lives here. To fit in you'll need a positive attitude with a friendly smile, a strong work ethic, and an understanding of the word service. THINK YOU HAVE WHATIT TAKES? Now Hiring: ·Shipping/Parts Instructors .Pilots -Technicians . Mechanics . Customer Service Apply online at fargojet.com/careers. FARGO JET CENTER OUR TEAM AT FARGO JET CENTER SHARES A COMMON BOND: A PASSION FOR AVIATION They either had it before they set foot in our building, or they developed it as an immediate contributor to the team. We can all spot a Cessna 182 from a half-mile away, and our hearts beat a little faster with the thunderous roar of a jet engine overhead. Whether it's an acquired taste or simply in your blood; a passion for aviation lives here. To fit in you'll need a positive attitude with a friendly smile, a strong work ethic, and an understanding of the word service. THINK YOU HAVE WHATIT TAKES? Now Hiring: · Shipping / Parts Instructors .Pilots - Technicians . Mechanics . Customer Service Apply online at fargojet.com/careers. FARGO JET CENTER