YEARS STRONG SSRC, our low barrier Recently a youth dropped in at the a beat. "I hear you hape blankets. Since 1893 center for ages 16 to 26. His statement made our hearts skip "A simple statement which said have provided the basies to those often timesmental health, Oadus, All of them own. They are yen 15 ha bece of sme ype od inepoctr support ction independently food, funetional acader in finding a home Our services meet the It has been a notable year for their physical and mental basic needs of remarkable extraordinary individuals with often those the "People of Fraser, Ltd." needs similar to our who overcome daily obstacles nce. Many lack the eapacity and crisis most of us of their natural families. An unt to develop the self-co intimate advocacy so im state of mind putting themselves and many times a chikd child of a parent unable to cope let alone those already struggling to to sueceed. They go it alone, many times in a We salute the efforts of our partnering service providers at risk of homelessness, exploitation, and We often see the tragic impact on a sability are often with everyday issue developmental di crisis is not easy for anyone, s. Those individuals with an intellectual or ostracized. Rebounding from and supporting businesses t within socisety's o function within society's norms adults on their life's journey. We have rrvday lives housing and YES we have blankets! Most of all, we recognize the incredible lives of the children, youth, and adults we have been honored to serve on their life's nearing the end of a notable year in our organization We celebrate 125 years nal always been the human personal needs, food, and of assisting children, youth, and m and function to lives to providing for service equlvalent Programs to assist indivi another remarkable S500,000 donation and challenges us to find matehing y, the McNair family has yet again made journey toward independence of notabilit donations. This distinguished family has again raised the us meet this challenge which will so Thanks to all of you, We rneed YOU to help Thank you for all you have already done, and thank you in advance for what will be, meet the needs in our community. our journey continues 5 years strong Foundation Fraser oudetion ondation Alex Stern Family Child Aware Coolition for Hormeless Person ND 2902 South University Drive, Fargo, ND 58103