A gn-S Se ion THANK YOU FROM EVERY PARTICIPATING GIVING HEARTS DAY CHARITY Prect-lvol Dog Reo founderonol Nonh Dlota - APace for Hope Bever WetenDely eed Dbuon Cerer-Awe Le Me- Abaed Ad kesou Cener Adapt Man he en Chlenge. Noth Dako Agamie Erinonmental eeming Certer- Afeniy MCA A erh foundeon Aigheimer Aocietion Ae Ceer Secetyo Non tend Mi eicen bu ton ericen don eveion NhDel Chapermerin GoleGymneies Amerien Heroe Onos eran ked CAad ide Anges Hecey Ane Caren Center AOt foundtion Aption bey Abon DatBelend Mnie femevle A Cuy Fad erede Ling Commuty Cn leredne Lng Commuity Den eee ng Co y on die ing Comty Roe frends Merrng Pg a keeeLingOG gel Fergo Met . Man Me Sud ua An Galerias Action u Cancer Cerner FoundonBun Gotal tgtos ank Pa Schh Found iman Sae Ceg Foundaion oanaile USA-ualons fago-oy Sout ol Amerca, Nonte Lighn CounciBoynGl Cb of he Perlan Aa-ayGr Ciub Reder vley Boynd Gr Cubal Det laesdy Obergiagay fandton teS ding DelGap Cenp dey Canpy Cenpolthe C Mi CnCeonCAPLP Lae Conunity Aton ep-Cand Saof Csokon -Ce Conty Rel Comuniy tnegency food Pany k-Catedlemeney School-Ce Ce Nonh Dona Cen Cede Seer- CCEL nc-Ceneal Ca Duen to Scholen- Ce Deona Oiden Cho-Cerel Daomane Soceny-Chairkapa Zoo Anoction -CHendip. CHtha Home- Hopice- CHLbon Heth fondion- Chid bangelun fellowipolfargoMoohesd-Ovierhe King Cahole Monensoi School -Cen Concorda College Connect Medicel Cinc OMO Coopenton e Cemp- Coopentown Medic Ceer fondeion- Cn Taning Mrren- Carede Lthen Cempun C F Aeion Noh Da Dak ysd G kah Dk Cher A y Center Dta He Ci Dee Zlog Sets De CUMema Drgner Gee of N Dta, De Mten ken Arne Devis Lae e Shoh beveleme fnd Damondinhe e e Don Lry Fdaton O Sel AP D Da ted N D en S CA Ca Gmi te ND Egeny Food Panry fangg Pae Enpie A Ceter Enpoerng Ptan- lentia He Targa Foundaton- fotiaeh SeMarys Foundion Deoo L-hes Hom C dH de Se ngCntS .fehope Shla FundFeihinAn ColionfenlyeCfly O famy We go Ma-fango Fego lder-Fagaamolor Gued- FagMorhead Caty The-Fargo Moohead Ope-lage Dianit Foundon -Targo Pubic School Development founditon -Fega Youth Hodey Asociation -Fango Moorhead Science Mau. fargo-Mootead Symphony Orche-Fam in the De-lam Bes Feter fe.feed My Saving Cden Fargo MobiledFine Ceeeth Center-F Ce Medical Services Foundeion. F .akforeed Mner e Mle -M Coaleion to EndHoneene e Medic Mion-Maie Your Spires -Monry foundeon -fon som Sodbuner Amociionfe, Lad -freedom Resoue Cermer kerdrpendent Living hc Trend Tec hiond Wa teluge-friends of the Childentago-Mooteed. Tumt Monatthe tedeWey -furyfiendhodneu, I G Pahoneego- G St Dakta Horin- Gadn ey Sheher oba fend Colion. Good Semerten Socety aota- Good Seten Socty ever- Grce Lheran Shel Grandforks Foundon er tdeten, Gnd farts GrpathSepert Centerand Forts Peteion foundein Grndr Ser Center Greet a Food Be GongHope in enbina Cnty Gtan rgels ine Heer Humanity Nohenights a Hee Mion Haiey Hae Hendhees Tangonaton Hat HeelaH CommityCan CereFo Pertryaeen A SeterHeling iHe ken Cente fepfalseRees Detese CART e HeNSod Co Cale Heeing Comity Heding Center a Hee fonekenie Foundion CandHe Helpen Home On The Rnge-amd Anal Sheteipeloo ope CeerHOPI, .opel t PojectHpice of the Red iwr Vleyumane Socy of he Lae Hunatie or Daotaiigan Oelopmen Ceter-imigala Ceer ol Meaitan ne Campatt Centerping Mnd, Cerer fa Dylenia and Liey - Jecobaon Memaria Hospital fondton - Cupla - Scholen - Jameton Fee Am Auocaton Jamen Jamennn Unied Wy- Jin Child Cee nd Jauy toy Bor n Joumey Home Animal Midnt C Ked Good Vibe Pme K Bed fego Moohend ( Le A Concert Le Pek An A Ley Foundetion Laes Cr LE Hones Legy Ce 919. UNWMigh Clvia Recoery Cenc- Lov Luther Social Serve Sune Hone- Magic Ciny Foundetion of Nonh Dakota Chorale of fg Moohead Marvile Sene hvesity Red er Veley Me Spon te Me enedne Gynet Mnee S Minn Kite AAWS - Mine A o OviM Sope Aeie Lutheren Ca Cater Foundtion Moeal A Founderion- Mootead Poloe Aetia Hockey Neional Kidney Foundeion Sdero Society NO A - ND A Bon Serden - NOSU School of Nuning Nelon AmericeConsetumrWe enmpoemene Nome Schoooe North Country food Benk . North Dak n e Noh Dekte A Dakia Dulas Sn Nt Cane Fenly Alae lA No Dea Salety CounlNorth D S Culege Noth Dota S ndeion D d Na Sciene hle Pa Ce Adory Center - anten Pa Centen - ind Mion - Not Mene Synod Deconemh Cene-O Grove Luhern Shool- Open Door Carer. Oudoor Adventure foundeion-Pa Ovia School-Pverlatheree Rr Senior Cen nd Jans Vey Youth or Chrit- mewn Dele fo Gymnto Oub. Janenown egional Medical Cener Prechool - eenin Progrem Fego-Moohead- ecue nior Achevement f te Uppe tbe foundon Kam KACEeepng the KOSon CoKre Kany. Reptle and ande AgieH rHumeniny Fdeon elegn Heah Centar Landotig Foundon FoundnLendAHadUpL Cahe SchoolCond Found Luther reen Seniy . MinneoaSS Mea - Luthean Aquios MateAWh Main Luther School- Mee - Manhew Ve h foundtion Menory Cdeole foundation MdSMry M . Minete Fyen Uniery Mheel fondon Men Weteeuge MY Ued Wy M Spe M Vley Femily MCA Mooead Legay Education and Acties League-Mootead Yout Serving te Dot- Ncon Muole $26 million 40k donors 1great region Adion Foundeion - NO Wonenh Nework- NOSU County Heath Servion foundion. New New Le Cente Ne H femily Helng Deots Aciion or the Dled NDAD. Nor Cent, In No D Dental foundeton No Norh Dtefr foundonoth DaMm Sciene Foudon h D Se Fe Fodon Duoa Verans Camry Foundaon- Noh Dekoa Gty to Dence Norland Cian Canaling Cer Nomland H of the Engel Lahen Church n Aeice LCA - Norod Conomatc foundeon ol No Deoa- Ou Redeemer Cen School- Camp - Pehys- Penbina Couny Menoal Honptal foundton - Penbina Perie de Adapee Sport-aire Haet Mental Heth Pare Puble - Pray Peen in Houing -reent Cid Abue Norh Dako Pot BE - Project HAT Dmelen veemen ogran ect gne Light e Arts Commiion ACIGend ft e pe end Abe Cs Cete of fergo Moortead Eench he Heat edng fogether ego Moheed Aenee UCSed Cden Advicny CemeedDenerhetuing Comenyaedi Humen Servion fondeten HtaeHmantykeer ley Vs Cone ld keve Ch dbe Re w Meitres kelemptn M kand wain Rerde Critan Sool vie Fundtion konald MDonal He Charties ol Bnena Ronale MDnald Hae Charties el e e ley Evmet d Culing Healaten, LAC. Saed a Founln Salu Ateiv Aluad Feles Sahatas Medal Caner Fundeion Saan Farge He Serdand Hbono Medcal Cear - Sartord Roger Ma Canc Ceer- Scoti e Speech nd Lnguege Cane t Cen- SENDCAA- Serie Dogs for Aerica-Sharatt-Sn Caten School Snin Le Op Foundation. SMP ath Ae Maria- Soroginatal the ad Rive Valey- Sod Soliona Recovey Cenar. Souis Valey Anm Sheter Sauthest Senior Sarvicn - Special Olympici North Dak- Alghoru Shool - S Ann Perh- Se Benard School - Se. Gere Communny af Ca. SGna Mnemity Home- S John PCtolk Scho- Joh Acadeny-S eme leila- hni School- Se Joeph Caholic School Devik Lake-S Joneghi School. Moohead . S Jonpohi Socel Care. S May Ceho School - Miche Caholic Chuch nd School-Se Mchae School- Ph Nemn Canne- Thome Aquin eman Cene- S Vecet de P Soceny Dirit Councl of ferge - Sunie foundetion -The ALS Aocaton MNNOO Ceper he Ar ol Cen County - The Benquet- The God Ch Proect - The Gree Norh Pole - The Human femily-elon CentenThe ery Center Maiy Home-he Stion my meManden-e vton Ayfegte Seltion Amy Jameon-the Seveon Amy Meet NO. the Selveion my redfothe Saion A wion, NO. the Summe ertorming Compenya the vilagefenly Service Center Therretheodore ve Mefondeton Thid Seeet Cin Tt nFene ee free Norh Det ays Sanry Ho teCyto C. le HMture Hoeleee Ky City led ming ts Sha fue Motn eeCHepeted Way d Grand s, le Grend Fors A y Mel Center foleten Uerty at Janeo esty ol Meyerity h Da Aluni Aton nlalenane eMe Mie eto- Vliy Oa Coaling Cener Valy Cay S ety Fel Vley Lae y , - Vale Seer Living ey Ser Servos- Vee n Flgrat Nv-Vy Cha Shol Victional Ting Cenar - Vt volleytel - Wekme Ho, Welling orthe d- e farge Euiona Foundaton Wet Fargo Ee- Weu ke eath Sevin Roundetion Wm North Dooor Flipe wonnouh ko CviWin Pund Reoion wRD Roundeionwon tty Cian Schol - Wome Cee Cerner Bmarci - Wonen Ce Cense Fango - omen Pegnancy Cemer- CA of Cna nd Cy Coue- Young Lie Fergo Moorted - Houthwoks - YWCA Can Cley - Zac Foundaton-3 BOS nd-45 ndaion-nd on Caonfaniy und-A Clden Enbrced CACE EndoweneFund- Al Judy Dregeh Fanily nd-Ber ling Hand fund- Bereon Hope fund- Cae Sen - Ceehon Commanity Medice foundeion fund-Cveine er Mlen Endoment fund for Chiden- Croon for Cameron - Da Sleep Socety- Deuschfendy fund-Doug and Sely Lanen famly fund-Doug Andenon famly fund- Devidnd nce Glenfelyund- be adendeid Nammou telyfund Kein end Jeen Melicher femlyund- D Lanoeand Ruh Bergo femly tund- witer nd ener Johnon fandy fund- Ducuhere lely tndoamen fund. Dn. Hope Yungamih nd On Abae famly fund.ted SfundkoM Ging le Qrotuethe Mobiltychallenged Endmene lund- Gity femile Fd- Go Wo Endoment funda ma funda Hage emerid fundHegen theme fanily bkoment funda Hey Living e funde Het analer Weene Heelty Coty fund Laerie e fudakevalcekte fany fund el un laanla lee famly Fundelerert Fay Hel Fn LiveLe ka Fud Mak Teyne MOd fun Maoa Pun Foon Fund- Mem Foundation Ma Peg lingelamly Endoet Fund Ma Pans Fanly Fund- Msion Pyicn Fund Notg Fanly Fdo Doa Aca fenly Py Rodetion Endn und No Faly Fund- Pe Sng Oan Cnc Endoe fund Ptadiegy tedo a Pld a Fany und-ery ed Rund-kadeFanly Fund-obla d Fay Gng Fund-Riben G. Rogen, MOSholetia Endowmentund- Robert M Aualnd aneC. SandaFund Rod A Dane Jorda Commuy enditkand RunSale. Cherte Endowment fund - Sine On fund - Snnerbenahan Heuthy d le nd-S Mary Louie undh OS Legicy fund - Soe fund - Suan Mathion MOCntyt C fond- Swnon Heat Produa Heathy Communityfund- Tinny Luheran Chc Prechool lundwey tndomentfund- Ahs Endomerefund. Badgn af Unity hund-Targo Polor Department- Benhanynd Le Andfenily find-Cendo Connection fnd. Cronone Cia ademy fund-Charles and Cerol hen famly Endowment und- Cus foeifund -Community improvemeefund- Dekn Bnne Lending fund-Eche Mafund-fahded Meryfund-fThe Domefundencd yvefundfee te Gre Fergo Foe UND G e ingle famdy Carle fndaon Dete Open founderion e PerYh defunterantogy ndhaOwERFndede Ou Veter O Fund Faher He Noh Delta Teh. The Nen Sep ND und- Weler W - Wel Fenly Donor Ad Fund me as fund GivingHeartsDay.org DMF art ALEX STERN #HelpSomeone Toundation A gn-S Se ion THANK YOU FROM EVERY PARTICIPATING GIVING HEARTS DAY CHARITY Prect-lvol Dog Reo founderonol Nonh Dlota - APace for Hope Bever WetenDely eed Dbuon Cerer-Awe Le Me- Abaed Ad kesou Cener Adapt Man he en Chlenge. Noth Dako Agamie Erinonmental eeming Certer- Afeniy MCA A erh foundeon Aigheimer Aocietion Ae Ceer Secetyo Non tend Mi eicen bu ton ericen don eveion NhDel Chapermerin GoleGymneies Amerien Heroe Onos eran ked CAad ide Anges Hecey Ane Caren Center AOt foundtion Aption bey Abon DatBelend Mnie femevle A Cuy Fad erede Ling Commuty Cn leredne Lng Commuity Den eee ng Co y on die ing Comty Roe frends Merrng Pg a keeeLingOG gel Fergo Met . Man Me Sud ua An Galerias Action u Cancer Cerner FoundonBun Gotal tgtos ank Pa Schh Found iman Sae Ceg Foundaion oanaile USA-ualons fago-oy Sout ol Amerca, Nonte Lighn CounciBoynGl Cb of he Perlan Aa-ayGr Ciub Reder vley Boynd Gr Cubal Det laesdy Obergiagay fandton teS ding DelGap Cenp dey Canpy Cenpolthe C Mi CnCeonCAPLP Lae Conunity Aton ep-Cand Saof Csokon -Ce Conty Rel Comuniy tnegency food Pany k-Catedlemeney School-Ce Ce Nonh Dona Cen Cede Seer- CCEL nc-Ceneal Ca Duen to Scholen- Ce Deona Oiden Cho-Cerel Daomane Soceny-Chairkapa Zoo Anoction -CHendip. CHtha Home- Hopice- CHLbon Heth fondion- Chid bangelun fellowipolfargoMoohesd-Ovierhe King Cahole Monensoi School -Cen Concorda College Connect Medicel Cinc OMO Coopenton e Cemp- Coopentown Medic Ceer fondeion- Cn Taning Mrren- Carede Lthen Cempun C F Aeion Noh Da Dak ysd G kah Dk Cher A y Center Dta He Ci Dee Zlog Sets De CUMema Drgner Gee of N Dta, De Mten ken Arne Devis Lae e Shoh beveleme fnd Damondinhe e e Don Lry Fdaton O Sel AP D Da ted N D en S CA Ca Gmi te ND Egeny Food Panry fangg Pae Enpie A Ceter Enpoerng Ptan- lentia He Targa Foundaton- fotiaeh SeMarys Foundion Deoo L-hes Hom C dH de Se ngCntS .fehope Shla FundFeihinAn ColionfenlyeCfly O famy We go Ma-fango Fego lder-Fagaamolor Gued- FagMorhead Caty The-Fargo Moohead Ope-lage Dianit Foundon -Targo Pubic School Development founditon -Fega Youth Hodey Asociation -Fango Moorhead Science Mau. fargo-Mootead Symphony Orche-Fam in the De-lam Bes Feter fe.feed My Saving Cden Fargo MobiledFine Ceeeth Center-F Ce Medical Services Foundeion. F .akforeed Mner e Mle -M Coaleion to EndHoneene e Medic Mion-Maie Your Spires -Monry foundeon -fon som Sodbuner Amociionfe, Lad -freedom Resoue Cermer kerdrpendent Living hc Trend Tec hiond Wa teluge-friends of the Childentago-Mooteed. Tumt Monatthe tedeWey -furyfiendhodneu, I G Pahoneego- G St Dakta Horin- Gadn ey Sheher oba fend Colion. Good Semerten Socety aota- Good Seten Socty ever- Grce Lheran Shel Grandforks Foundon er tdeten, Gnd farts GrpathSepert Centerand Forts Peteion foundein Grndr Ser Center Greet a Food Be GongHope in enbina Cnty Gtan rgels ine Heer Humanity Nohenights a Hee Mion Haiey Hae Hendhees Tangonaton Hat HeelaH CommityCan CereFo Pertryaeen A SeterHeling iHe ken Cente fepfalseRees Detese CART e HeNSod Co Cale Heeing Comity Heding Center a Hee fonekenie Foundion CandHe Helpen Home On The Rnge-amd Anal Sheteipeloo ope CeerHOPI, .opel t PojectHpice of the Red iwr Vleyumane Socy of he Lae Hunatie or Daotaiigan Oelopmen Ceter-imigala Ceer ol Meaitan ne Campatt Centerping Mnd, Cerer fa Dylenia and Liey - Jecobaon Memaria Hospital fondton - Cupla - Scholen - Jameton Fee Am Auocaton Jamen Jamennn Unied Wy- Jin Child Cee nd Jauy toy Bor n Joumey Home Animal Midnt C Ked Good Vibe Pme K Bed fego Moohend ( Le A Concert Le Pek An A Ley Foundetion Laes Cr LE Hones Legy Ce 919. UNWMigh Clvia Recoery Cenc- Lov Luther Social Serve Sune Hone- Magic Ciny Foundetion of Nonh Dakota Chorale of fg Moohead Marvile Sene hvesity Red er Veley Me Spon te Me enedne Gynet Mnee S Minn Kite AAWS - Mine A o OviM Sope Aeie Lutheren Ca Cater Foundtion Moeal A Founderion- Mootead Poloe Aetia Hockey Neional Kidney Foundeion Sdero Society NO A - ND A Bon Serden - NOSU School of Nuning Nelon AmericeConsetumrWe enmpoemene Nome Schoooe North Country food Benk . North Dak n e Noh Dekte A Dakia Dulas Sn Nt Cane Fenly Alae lA No Dea Salety CounlNorth D S Culege Noth Dota S ndeion D d Na Sciene hle Pa Ce Adory Center - anten Pa Centen - ind Mion - Not Mene Synod Deconemh Cene-O Grove Luhern Shool- Open Door Carer. Oudoor Adventure foundeion-Pa Ovia School-Pverlatheree Rr Senior Cen nd Jans Vey Youth or Chrit- mewn Dele fo Gymnto Oub. Janenown egional Medical Cener Prechool - eenin Progrem Fego-Moohead- ecue nior Achevement f te Uppe tbe foundon Kam KACEeepng the KOSon CoKre Kany. Reptle and ande AgieH rHumeniny Fdeon elegn Heah Centar Landotig Foundon FoundnLendAHadUpL Cahe SchoolCond Found Luther reen Seniy . MinneoaSS Mea - Luthean Aquios MateAWh Main Luther School- Mee - Manhew Ve h foundtion Menory Cdeole foundation MdSMry M . Minete Fyen Uniery Mheel fondon Men Weteeuge MY Ued Wy M Spe M Vley Femily MCA Mooead Legay Education and Acties League-Mootead Yout Serving te Dot- Ncon Muole $26 million 40k donors 1great region Adion Foundeion - NO Wonenh Nework- NOSU County Heath Servion foundion. New New Le Cente Ne H femily Helng Deots Aciion or the Dled NDAD. Nor Cent, In No D Dental foundeton No Norh Dtefr foundonoth DaMm Sciene Foudon h D Se Fe Fodon Duoa Verans Camry Foundaon- Noh Dekoa Gty to Dence Norland Cian Canaling Cer Nomland H of the Engel Lahen Church n Aeice LCA - Norod Conomatc foundeon ol No Deoa- Ou Redeemer Cen School- Camp - Pehys- Penbina Couny Menoal Honptal foundton - Penbina Perie de Adapee Sport-aire Haet Mental Heth Pare Puble - Pray Peen in Houing -reent Cid Abue Norh Dako Pot BE - Project HAT Dmelen veemen ogran ect gne Light e Arts Commiion ACIGend ft e pe end Abe Cs Cete of fergo Moortead Eench he Heat edng fogether ego Moheed Aenee UCSed Cden Advicny CemeedDenerhetuing Comenyaedi Humen Servion fondeten HtaeHmantykeer ley Vs Cone ld keve Ch dbe Re w Meitres kelemptn M kand wain Rerde Critan Sool vie Fundtion konald MDonal He Charties ol Bnena Ronale MDnald Hae Charties el e e ley Evmet d Culing Healaten, LAC. Saed a Founln Salu Ateiv Aluad Feles Sahatas Medal Caner Fundeion Saan Farge He Serdand Hbono Medcal Cear - Sartord Roger Ma Canc Ceer- Scoti e Speech nd Lnguege Cane t Cen- SENDCAA- Serie Dogs for Aerica-Sharatt-Sn Caten School Snin Le Op Foundation. SMP ath Ae Maria- Soroginatal the ad Rive Valey- Sod Soliona Recovey Cenar. Souis Valey Anm Sheter Sauthest Senior Sarvicn - Special Olympici North Dak- Alghoru Shool - S Ann Perh- Se Benard School - Se. Gere Communny af Ca. SGna Mnemity Home- S John PCtolk Scho- Joh Acadeny-S eme leila- hni School- Se Joeph Caholic School Devik Lake-S Joneghi School. Moohead . S Jonpohi Socel Care. S May Ceho School - Miche Caholic Chuch nd School-Se Mchae School- Ph Nemn Canne- Thome Aquin eman Cene- S Vecet de P Soceny Dirit Councl of ferge - Sunie foundetion -The ALS Aocaton MNNOO Ceper he Ar ol Cen County - The Benquet- The God Ch Proect - The Gree Norh Pole - The Human femily-elon CentenThe ery Center Maiy Home-he Stion my meManden-e vton Ayfegte Seltion Amy Jameon-the Seveon Amy Meet NO. the Selveion my redfothe Saion A wion, NO. the Summe ertorming Compenya the vilagefenly Service Center Therretheodore ve Mefondeton Thid Seeet Cin Tt nFene ee free Norh Det ays Sanry Ho teCyto C. le HMture Hoeleee Ky City led ming ts Sha fue Motn eeCHepeted Way d Grand s, le Grend Fors A y Mel Center foleten Uerty at Janeo esty ol Meyerity h Da Aluni Aton nlalenane eMe Mie eto- Vliy Oa Coaling Cener Valy Cay S ety Fel Vley Lae y , - Vale Seer Living ey Ser Servos- Vee n Flgrat Nv-Vy Cha Shol Victional Ting Cenar - Vt volleytel - Wekme Ho, Welling orthe d- e farge Euiona Foundaton Wet Fargo Ee- Weu ke eath Sevin Roundetion Wm North Dooor Flipe wonnouh ko CviWin Pund Reoion wRD Roundeionwon tty Cian Schol - Wome Cee Cerner Bmarci - Wonen Ce Cense Fango - omen Pegnancy Cemer- CA of Cna nd Cy Coue- Young Lie Fergo Moorted - Houthwoks - YWCA Can Cley - Zac Foundaton-3 BOS nd-45 ndaion-nd on Caonfaniy und-A Clden Enbrced CACE EndoweneFund- Al Judy Dregeh Fanily nd-Ber ling Hand fund- Bereon Hope fund- Cae Sen - Ceehon Commanity Medice foundeion fund-Cveine er Mlen Endoment fund for Chiden- Croon for Cameron - Da Sleep Socety- Deuschfendy fund-Doug and Sely Lanen famly fund-Doug Andenon famly fund- Devidnd nce Glenfelyund- be adendeid Nammou telyfund Kein end Jeen Melicher femlyund- D Lanoeand Ruh Bergo femly tund- witer nd ener Johnon fandy fund- Ducuhere lely tndoamen fund. Dn. Hope Yungamih nd On Abae famly fund.ted SfundkoM Ging le Qrotuethe Mobiltychallenged Endmene lund- Gity femile Fd- Go Wo Endoment funda ma funda Hage emerid fundHegen theme fanily bkoment funda Hey Living e funde Het analer Weene Heelty Coty fund Laerie e fudakevalcekte fany fund el un laanla lee famly Fundelerert Fay Hel Fn LiveLe ka Fud Mak Teyne MOd fun Maoa Pun Foon Fund- Mem Foundation Ma Peg lingelamly Endoet Fund Ma Pans Fanly Fund- Msion Pyicn Fund Notg Fanly Fdo Doa Aca fenly Py Rodetion Endn und No Faly Fund- Pe Sng Oan Cnc Endoe fund Ptadiegy tedo a Pld a Fany und-ery ed Rund-kadeFanly Fund-obla d Fay Gng Fund-Riben G. Rogen, MOSholetia Endowmentund- Robert M Aualnd aneC. SandaFund Rod A Dane Jorda Commuy enditkand RunSale. Cherte Endowment fund - Sine On fund - Snnerbenahan Heuthy d le nd-S Mary Louie undh OS Legicy fund - Soe fund - Suan Mathion MOCntyt C fond- Swnon Heat Produa Heathy Communityfund- Tinny Luheran Chc Prechool lundwey tndomentfund- Ahs Endomerefund. Badgn af Unity hund-Targo Polor Department- Benhanynd Le Andfenily find-Cendo Connection fnd. Cronone Cia ademy fund-Charles and Cerol hen famly Endowment und- Cus foeifund -Community improvemeefund- Dekn Bnne Lending fund-Eche Mafund-fahded Meryfund-fThe Domefundencd yvefundfee te Gre Fergo Foe UND G e ingle famdy Carle fndaon Dete Open founderion e PerYh defunterantogy ndhaOwERFndede Ou Veter O Fund Faher He Noh Delta Teh. The Nen Sep ND und- Weler W - Wel Fenly Donor Ad Fund me as fund GivingHeartsDay.org DMF art ALEX STERN #HelpSomeone Toundation