IT'S TIME TO START TRAVELING AGAIN! HAMILTON AT THE ORPHEUM - AUG 788 MEDORA - JULY & AUG TWINS - JULY 11 & AUG 29 CANYON COUNTRY & NATIONAL PARKS - SEPT 7-20 DOOR COUNTY-SEPT 19-22 NEW ENGLAND W/ CAPE COD - SEPT 25-0CT 10 GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS -OCT 4-14 JUDY's LEISURE TOURS, INC Call for a detailed itinerary: 701-232-3441 Visit us on the web: Like us on Facebook: Group travel at its best. IT'S TIME TO START TRAVELING AGAIN! HAMILTON AT THE ORPHEUM - AUG 788 MEDORA - JULY & AUG TWINS - JULY 11 & AUG 29 CANYON COUNTRY & NATIONAL PARKS - SEPT 7-20 DOOR COUNTY-SEPT 19-22 NEW ENGLAND W/ CAPE COD - SEPT 25-0CT 10 GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS -OCT 4-14 JUDY's LEISURE TOURS, INC Call for a detailed itinerary: 701-232-3441 Visit us on the web: Like us on Facebook: Group travel at its best.