OUR BRAND PROMISES LUNDE AUTO CENTER The right vehicles at the right time You can't buy a wrong vehicle 7-day money back 30-day exchange Dependable service to meet your schedule One low price, plain and simple, always! .Relaxed shopping experience . Affordable financial solutions for today and your future Real cash value for your trade 2007 Ford Focus 2006 Toyota RAW 2009 Ford Rusion 206 Kia Sou 2012 KiaSoul RIEST $3,990 RET 7,99REST $8,490 RET 8,490ST,9R,9EST10,999 BEST S PRICEDAT 2006 Dodge Durt 2008GMCSierra e BEST $10,999 | BEST S11,999 | BEST S11,999 BES BESTPRICE S BESTPRICE S 15,999|BEST $15,399 BEST 17,990 $14,999 PRICEDAT 20R6Ka Sorento 015 Mazda C5 Budick LaCrosse 208 10a Spartage STOCK BEST $18,999 REST $19,499 RIEST S20,999 RET $20,999 RIEST 21,999 BEST S21,999REST $22,999 PRICEDAT PROCEDAT PRICEDAT 20is Ford Explbrer 01S R1500 4 200 Ram150044 25 Ram 250044 Hd Seats, MK RIEST $25,999 REST $27,999 REST $27,999 S$29,399 REST 30,999ES34,999REST S39,999 PRICEDAT www.LundeAutos.commnecadke i h Ater tAt the Intersection of I-29 & Main Ave just West of the Biltmore Fargo, ND LUNDE: 701-282-7600 | KIA: 701-281-9165 A only. Sobject to prior sale KI LINCOLN GEM On most used cars Sales Hours or 800-728-7601r 800-851-3500 Mon-Thurs 8:30am-8:00pm | Friday 8.30am-6:00pm /Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm OUR BRAND PROMISES LUNDE AUTO CENTER The right vehicles at the right time You can't buy a wrong vehicle 7-day money back 30-day exchange Dependable service to meet your schedule One low price, plain and simple, always! .Relaxed shopping experience . Affordable financial solutions for today and your future Real cash value for your trade 2007 Ford Focus 2006 Toyota RAW 2009 Ford Rusion 206 Kia Sou 2012 KiaSoul RIEST $3,990 RET 7,99REST $8,490 RET 8,490ST,9R,9EST10,999 BEST S PRICEDAT 2006 Dodge Durt 2008GMCSierra e BEST $ 10,999 | BEST S11,999 | BEST S11,999 BES BESTPRICE S BESTPRICE S 15,999 | BEST $ 15,399 BEST 17,990 $ 14,999 PRICEDAT 20R6Ka Sorento 015 Mazda C5 Budick LaCrosse 208 10a Spartage STOCK BEST $18,999 REST $19,499 RIEST S20,999 RET $20,999 RIEST 21,999 BEST S21,999REST $22,999 PRICEDAT PROCEDAT PRICEDAT 20is Ford Explbrer 01S R1500 4 200 Ram150044 25 Ram 250044 Hd Seats, MK RIEST $25,999 REST $27,999 REST $27,999 S$29,399 REST 30,999ES34,999REST S39,999 PRICEDAT www.LundeAutos.commnecadke i h Ater tAt the Intersection of I-29 & Main Ave just West of the Biltmore Fargo, ND LUNDE: 701-282-7600 | KIA: 701-281-9165 A only. Sobject to prior sale KI LINCOLN GEM On most used cars Sales Hours or 800-728-7601r 800-851-3500 Mon-Thurs 8:30am-8:00pm | Friday 8.30am-6:00pm /Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm