Luther Family Buick GMC Fargo Moorhead Congratulates... Allison Fugle Andrew Gorby Cashier Sales and Leasing Consultant ER EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH 1-29 & 32nd AVE. S, FARGO 701-356-7100 · 800-450-8600 3202 36th Street South EXPERIENCE THE NEW BUICK "GMC: WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE" GMC Luther Family Buick GMC Fargo Moorhead Congratulates... Allison Fugle Andrew Gorby Cashier Sales and Leasing Consultant ER EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH 1-29 & 32nd AVE. S, FARGO 701-356-7100 · 800-450-8600 3202 36th Street South EXPERIENCE THE NEW BUICK "GMC: WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE" GMC