ofye are gowing! The Rape and Abuse Crisis Center (RACC) provides crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling and education to victims of domestic and sexual violence and prevention programming to the community. To sustain its growth, RACC has the following opportunity available: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for leading the Business Department by defining the departmental vision and developing the strategies required to achieve departmental and organizational goals. This position requires knowledge of financial accounting, bookkeeping, reporting, grant management, vendor communication and coordination, information technology, human resources, data entry and department supervision. The Chief Financial Officer serves on the agency's executive team providing essential leadership to the organization. A CPA and or Masters degree in Business Administration preferred. For confidential consideration, please send cover letter and resume to the 6 Rape and Abuse Crisis Center, PO Box 2984, Fargo ND 58108 or email employment@raccfm.com No calls please. Postmark deadline is 8/22/18 rape and abuse crisis center advocacy counseling education. EOE 001762849r1