Fergus Falls The Time is Right The time is right to establish your family's link with future generations. A personalized memorial is a permanent record that will last for eternity. Let your wishes be known. We can help you develop ideas that will preserve your family heritage. PALMER Monument Company Since 1883 736-3228 800-664-2549 1710 Pebble Lake Rd Fergus Falls FergusMonument.com 27 WILLIAM I 194 NO JANETIED Fergus Falls The Time is Right The time is right to establish your family's link with future generations . A personalized memorial is a permanent record that will last for eternity . Let your wishes be known . We can help you develop ideas that will preserve your family heritage . PALMER Monument Company Since 1883 736-3228 800-664-2549 1710 Pebble Lake Rd Fergus Falls FergusMonument.com 27 WILLIAM I 194 NO JANETIED