2021 MINNESOTA fishing OPENER May 15, 2021 Fishing seasons open for walleye, bass, northerm pike and lake trout. This year's date is the latest possible opener under Minnesota statute, which sets the fishing opener as the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. FISHING LICENSES SOLD Aogh Mesoover pooton han gronsgtty. e umber o lcene anglenn he stae haa hovered steadly at about 1.1 on each year ince 20. koenses rose sharoty lo neaty 12on n 20as de to he pandemic COVID-19 SURGE wih corimahing y However 12 mion o GOVERNOR'S OPENER May 131 Oner Tail Coty tio The Minesota Govenor ahing Opener has been a traion Mnestace , desgned mrove Mave economy tohhe 1mion devepment and 10 mon promotion of the state reotiona 10on weones ecaly 2010 2 2014 20 01 2000 AGES BUYING LICENSES WHERE DOES YOUR M 100 h MONEY GO? Fisheries 35 cents E6-24 228 How the DNR spends a license dollar. 25-34 283 Conservation wadife officers Sustainable forests 35-44 301 1 cent 35 cents 23 cents 45-54 297 Boat ramps and accesses 2 cents 55-64 288 Clean water 199 4 cents LAKE ICE OUTS he dnof ue e ot can y um uhe toe. Oterves e onstet rtera bon r yer when reporting lete ce od dees OTTER TAIL MILLE LACS GREEN WINNIE RED PEPIN Last 6 ke outs Last 6 kce outs Last é loe outs Lant oloe out Last 6 lce outs Last ke out 201 Apr 21 20 A 2018 My 2 May 2000 Apri 2 200 Ar p0e Mah 20e Ma 20 A 20E May 201 Apr 201 A 201 May 20 A 20 Apri 20 20 A 20 Apr 201 201 May 20 Mah 201 My3 201 A 2 Api 201 Mah 20E Apri 20 2 Me 2 Apt 2 Apri 2 20 March 20 2021 Ap 20 Ma 20 STOP IN, ON YOUR WAY TO THE LAKE NewUsedForwork or Play Muscatell Burns Hawloy. MN Ford JUSTOMINUTESFROMMOORHEADHIGHWAY 10-HAWLEY (218) 483-3356 | muscatellburnsford.com 2021 MINNESOTA fishing OPENER May 15, 2021 Fishing seasons open for walleye, bass, northerm pike and lake trout. This year's date is the latest possible opener under Minnesota statute, which sets the fishing opener as the Saturday two weeks prior to the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. FISHING LICENSES SOLD Aogh Mesoover pooton han gronsgtty. e umber o lcene anglenn he stae haa hovered steadly at about 1.1 on each year ince 20. koenses rose sharoty lo neaty 12on n 20as de to he pandemic COVID-19 SURGE wih corimahing y However 12 mion o GOVERNOR'S OPENER May 131 Oner Tail Coty tio The Minesota Govenor ahing Opener has been a traion Mnestace , desgned mrove Mave economy tohhe 1mion devepment and 10 mon promotion of the state reotiona 10on weones ecaly 2010 2 2014 20 01 2000 AGES BUYING LICENSES WHERE DOES YOUR M 100 h MONEY GO? Fisheries 35 cents E6-24 228 How the DNR spends a license dollar. 25-34 283 Conservation wadife officers Sustainable forests 35-44 301 1 cent 35 cents 23 cents 45-54 297 Boat ramps and accesses 2 cents 55-64 288 Clean water 199 4 cents LAKE ICE OUTS he dnof ue e ot can y um uhe toe. Oterves e onstet rtera bon r yer when reporting lete ce od dees OTTER TAIL MILLE LACS GREEN WINNIE RED PEPIN Last 6 ke outs Last 6 kce outs Last é loe outs Lant oloe out Last 6 lce outs Last ke out 201 Apr 21 20 A 2018 My 2 May 2000 Apri 2 200 Ar p0e Mah 20e Ma 20 A 20E May 201 Apr 201 A 201 May 20 A 20 Apri 20 20 A 20 Apr 201 201 May 20 Mah 201 My3 201 A 2 Api 201 Mah 20E Apri 20 2 Me 2 Apt 2 Apri 2 20 March 20 2021 Ap 20 Ma 20 STOP IN, ON YOUR WAY TO THE LAKE NewUsedForwork or Play Muscatell Burns Hawloy. MN Ford JUSTOMINUTESFROMMOORHEADHIGHWAY 10-HAWLEY (218) 483-3356 | muscatellburnsford.com