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  • Published Date

    December 7, 2021
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DICKEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA FARMLAND FOR SALE ATTN: FARMERS AND RANCHERS Invitation to bid on the following parcel in Dickey County, North Dakota to be sold as one unit: SE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 132, Range 66, Dickey County, North Dakota; BIDS: Persons interested may submit a written bid to Harmon Sealed Bid, c/o Ottmar & Ottmar, 226 2nd Ave. Sw, PO Box 1397, Jamestown, North Dakota 58402- 1397. Certified check in the amount of 5% of bid amount must be included with the written bid. Bids may be submitted until 4:00 p.m. on December 10, 2021, at the address listed above and should show bid- ders name, address and telephone number, and the bid amount. On the date and at the time set out above, bids will be opened and bidders within fifty percent (50%) of the high bid will be invited, in writing, to meet approxi- mately two weeks later to raise their bids if they so de- sire. For more general information call OTTMAR & OTTMAR, P.., Steven T. Ottmar, (701) 252-7229. TERMS: Closing and Balance due December 31, 2021. RESERVATIONS: (A) Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids for any reason whatsoever; (B) Sellers reserve the right to waive any and all irregu- larities; (C) All sales will be subject to oil, gas and mineral con- veyances and reservations of record; railroad, school and highway conveyances; covenants; restrictions; utility agreements; easements and right-of-ways of record or ascertainable by visual inspection. DICKEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA FARMLAND FOR SALE ATTN: FARMERS AND RANCHERS Invitation to bid on the following parcel in Dickey County, North Dakota to be sold as one unit: SE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 132, Range 66, Dickey County, North Dakota; BIDS: Persons interested may submit a written bid to Harmon Sealed Bid, c/o Ottmar & Ottmar, 226 2nd Ave. Sw, PO Box 1397, Jamestown, North Dakota 58402- 1397. Certified check in the amount of 5% of bid amount must be included with the written bid. Bids may be submitted until 4:00 p.m. on December 10, 2021, at the address listed above and should show bid- ders name, address and telephone number, and the bid amount. On the date and at the time set out above, bids will be opened and bidders within fifty percent (50%) of the high bid will be invited, in writing, to meet approxi- mately two weeks later to raise their bids if they so de- sire. For more general information call OTTMAR & OTTMAR, P.., Steven T. Ottmar, (701) 252-7229. TERMS: Closing and Balance due December 31, 2021. RESERVATIONS: (A) Sellers reserve the right to reject any and all bids for any reason whatsoever; (B) Sellers reserve the right to waive any and all irregu- larities; (C) All sales will be subject to oil, gas and mineral con- veyances and reservations of record; railroad, school and highway conveyances; covenants; restrictions; utility agreements; easements and right-of-ways of record or ascertainable by visual inspection.