RISE CONCORDIA COLLEGE FOR CONCORDI E CAMD THROUGH THE RISE CAM PAIG N WE HAVE RAISED AS OF APRIL 30, 2019, EXCEEDING OUR GOAL TO REACH $15O MILLIONBY DEC. 31,2019 WE ROSE IN MISSION TO CHAMPION: INTEGRATIVE LEARNING so Concordia students can apply their classroom discoveries to the grand challenges of work and citizenship. INCLUSIVE LEARNING so Concordia students can flourish in the abundant diversity of peoples and cultures that we are called to serve INNOVATIVE LEARNING o students ol every age and stage of life can grow through the virtue and value of a Concordia education FUNDING INITIATIVES INCLUDED SUPPORT FOR: Thank you to all donors who made this campaign a success! RISE CAMPAIGN ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUDE Campet Cenoe The purpese of Concordia Coliege is to influrnce the offairs of the srorld by sending inne sociery chosghefal and informed men and women dedikaned to the Chriution lfe. RISE CONCORDIA COLLEGE FOR CONCORDI E CAMD THROUGH THE RISE CAM PAIG N WE HAVE RAISED AS OF APRIL 30, 2019, EXCEEDING OUR GOAL TO REACH $15O MILLIONBY DEC. 31,2019 WE ROSE IN MISSION TO CHAMPION: INTEGRATIVE LEARNING so Concordia students can apply their classroom discoveries to the grand challenges of work and citizenship. INCLUSIVE LEARNING so Concordia students can flourish in the abundant diversity of peoples and cultures that we are called to serve INNOVATIVE LEARNING o students ol every age and stage of life can grow through the virtue and value of a Concordia education FUNDING INITIATIVES INCLUDED SUPPORT FOR: Thank you to all donors who made this campaign a success! RISE CAMPAIGN ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUDE Campet Cenoe The purpese of Concordia Coliege is to influrnce the offairs of the srorld by sending inne sociery chosghefal and informed men and women dedikaned to the Chriution lfe.