Moorhead Area Education Foundation Moorhead Spud Scholars Congratulations to the 78 Moorhead High School students who received $100,050 in Moorhead Spud Scholars Scholarships These 78 students have set goals of advanced education to become tomorrow's leaders. They were selected from applicants who applied for the scholarship funds available through the Moorhead Area Education Foundation 2018 Spud Scholars Scholarship Recipients Roger anl Ehie Ptsenburget Family Clay Hall Avyan Mejeen Colton Krier Annika Sethre-Hofstad Roger Ox Piebargee Memonial eteran of Foreign Wars 3223 Finn Harison yd and Beverly Pashon Hooorary Taylor Collins Moorhead Kiwanis MSUM Mickayla Alen Moorhead Kiwans-MSOTO Baylee Engquist Moorhead Kiwanis Concordia Annika Pra MAE Teacher of the choos Handware and All Sprt Andrea Lee Nowh Melton loseph Eidsness an Pat Swedberg Edacation Bell State Bank and Thst of Moerhead Emma Estrella ear Michad Besson Hope Fatuma Abdalah Callie Ahigren lacob Chapman Noah FairWhe Fos Moorhd Das and Denise Pashoo Family Alexandra Maddax erica Bro Tyra Donahue brdan Egenda Hans Egen Malarie Er Elleo Hapkinn PTAC Scolanhip Ela Halgrimson elfeit Memoria Andreo Elefson Allison Luthe Tyler Jobnsorn Khadia Ali MIS Hall of Hoor Lowell Boler Ales Gilbertson Dould foberg Memorial Sofia Perez Chupa dJanes E Garrity Memerial Deion Larry Kaeden Ofthol Luke Seidel Aleus Dauner Nicole Anne he Memorial Scholarship K loberg Menori Isabelle Rockstad sabel Larson Loren Bslese Samuel Stein Peyton Sorby Ryan Stafford Tony Pham ikingland Kiwanis-Rs Ute Memorial Marlene Deist Memorial Elaina Thompson Hailey Gramer Moorhead Madday Lion dget McManamon Roger and Ehic Pitsenhurger Family Stephanie Hof Angeline Bahe Memorial Pasn Vocational lenrifer Gudding Roberta and Dosald L Katie LeGare aclese T.Oson Meoorial Lance Morlock Mdarore-Horn Meoria Paiga Anderson Phil and Adeline Selieold Memorial Claire Ro e Passon Momorial-Scheels Fondation Andrew Franklin Austin Gruenberg Winners of scholarships wero selected by the Moorhead Area Education Foundation's Awards Commitoe. The croria for selecting reoipients included heir academie perfoemance, school and community activities, work experience, career goals, and reflernces Studenes may atiend a college, vocabion school or university of their choice The Moorhead Area Education Foundation avokrteer organizaton of communty people working together to enhance educational opportunites and to provide scholarships for Moohead High gradunes Students participase in raising unds for scholanships through the annual Spud Scholars Phonathon in February Funds raised are awarded as scholarships at Awards Day in May Since 1991, Moorhead Area Education Foundaion has awnded $1,627935 to 1,787 Studens Businesses, service clubs, and individuals are encouraged to partiopane in the Moorhead Spuds Scholars scholarship program Donors may designate their gihs to be awarded as scholarhis in the curent year or placed in the endowment lund, with only B earnings from the fund used each year us ensuring annual named scholaships For more information about Spuds Scholars contact: Kenneth Rosson, President, 701-371-8560 or write Moorhead Area Education Foundation-PO Box 1006 Moorhead IN se se OR search Moorhead Area Education Foundation on Facebook