AUCTION LOCATION 560 CAMELOT ROAD, NEW YORK MILLS, MN Directions: Approx 1 mile west of Main Street on Centennial 84 Drive. Roads will be marked. AUCTION Starting at 9:31 a.m. SATURDAY JULY 9TH, 2022 Household, Lawn and Garden, Tractors and Equipment, Guns. Horse Equipment. Power tools and much more. New Holland TL 100A w/3pt, dual hyd., w/52LC loader. Heston 540 baler. Kverneland 4-16's plow. Gravely Pro-Turn 260 Commercial zero turn mower. Newman's 14' V-front insulated tandem enclosed trailer w/roof A/C. For full listing and photos go to: PeralaBrosAuctioneers/Facebook JIM & DORI EIKE MOVING AUCTION Clerking: Brenda's Clerking Service Lunch on Grounds PERALA BROS. Col. Dean Perala Cell: 218-639-0606 Col. Mickey Perala Cell: 218-639-0506 Auctioneers "A BID ABOVE THE REST" AUCTION LOCATION 560 CAMELOT ROAD , NEW YORK MILLS , MN Directions : Approx 1 mile west of Main Street on Centennial 84 Drive . Roads will be marked . AUCTION Starting at 9:31 a.m. SATURDAY JULY 9TH , 2022 Household , Lawn and Garden , Tractors and Equipment , Guns . Horse Equipment . Power tools and much more . New Holland TL 100A w / 3pt , dual hyd . , w / 52LC loader . Heston 540 baler . Kverneland 4-16's plow . Gravely Pro - Turn 260 Commercial zero turn mower . Newman's 14 ' V - front insulated tandem enclosed trailer w / roof A / C . For full listing and photos go to : PeralaBrosAuctioneers / Facebook JIM & DORI EIKE MOVING AUCTION Clerking : Brenda's Clerking Service Lunch on Grounds PERALA BROS . Col. Dean Perala Cell : 218-639-0606 Col. Mickey Perala Cell : 218-639-0506 Auctioneers " A BID ABOVE THE REST "