THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Roll Call. FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, December 23, 2024 - 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: The Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 4:00 p.m. and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of negotiation discussions regarding an offer received from Galvanizers, Inc. for the acquisition of a portion of the City property west of the landfill. Discussing this negotiation in an open meeting will have a negative fiscal effect on the bargaining position of the City of Fargo. An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1 subsection 9. Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. B. C. D. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call. Approve Order of Agenda. Minutes (Regular Meeting, December 9, 2024). CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING: 1. 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0602, of Article 8-06, of Chapter 8, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating To Starting, Stopping, or Turning Movements and Required Signals. 2. Second Amendment to Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order for property located at 1011/1013 University Drive North. 3. 4. Extension of the Class "A-8" Alcoholic Beverage License for BFG, Inc. d/b/a Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse until 6/30/25. Renewal of the Alcoholic Beverage and Live Entertainment Licenses until 12/31/25, contingent upon all essential requirements for renewal are met by 12/31/24. 5. City of Fargo Resolution Authorizing Officers to Make Deposits and Withdrawals. 6. Receive and file the Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with Cass County Electric Cooperative adding the area annexed by the City of Fargo on 11/20/24. 7. 8. Gaming Site Authorization for the Boys and Girls Club of the Red River Valley at Wurst Bier Hall. Applications for Games of Chance: a. Audrey Langer Medical Benefit for a raffle and raffle board on 4/5/25; Public Spirited Resolution. b. Fargo Area Sports/Fargo Dugout Boosters for a raffle and raffle board 3/29/25. c. Fargo Area Sports/Fargo Dugout Boosters for bingo and a raffle board on 5/10/25. d. Knights of Columbus Council 11930 Sts Anne & Joachim for a calendar raffle on 5/22/2025. e. Rape and Abuse Crisis Center for bingo and a raffle on 1/25/25. f. Safari Club International North Dakota Chapter for a raffle and raffle board on 2/28/25 and 3/1/25. g. TNT Kid's Fitness and Gymnastics for raffles on 1/24/25-1/26/25. 9. Memorandum of Understanding with the City of West Fargo for 7 Avenue North Project. 10. Negative Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of -$9,561.60 for Project 11. No. AN-22-B1. Negative Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of -$35,103.00 for Project No. ER-24-D1. 12. Amendment No. 5 with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $82,288.00 for Project No. FM-15-JO. 13. Amendment No. 2 with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $9,159.70 for Project No. TR-26-AO. 14. Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $11,577.17 for Project No. QR-22-A1. 15. Cost Participation and Maintenance Agreement with NDDOT for Project No. QR-25-A1. 16. Contract and bond for Project No. SN-24-A1. 17. Memorandum of Offer to Landowner for Permanent Easements (Utility) and (Street and Utility) with Casey's Retail Company for Improvement District No. PR-24-A1. 18. Exempt Purchase from Traffic Control Corporation in the amount of $134,860.00 for the Central Traffic System Software upgrade to Centracs Mobility Platform (EX25016). 19. Bid award to Sun Electric, Inc. for traffic signal t-base installation (RFP24372). 20. Prequalification of two vendors for Electrical Services, as presented (RFP25017). 21. Service Agreement with Vestis Services, LLC (RFP25005 and RFP25006). 22. Item from the FAHR Meeting to Receive and file General Fund - Budget to Actual through 11/30/24 (unaudited). 23. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Emergency Services for FY 2024 State Homeland Security Program in the amount of $136,000.00 and related budget adjustments (CFDA #97.067). 24. Agreement for the Joint Operation of Red River Valley Unmanned Aircraft Systems Unit with the City of West Fargo and Cass County. 25. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Health and Human Services for Regional Public Health Network (CFDA #93.991). 26. Memorandum of Understanding with North Dakota Department of Health. 27. Appointment of the Interim Health Officer for Fargo Cass Public Health. 28. Eide Bailly LLP End-User Agreements with the City of Fargo and the FARGODOME. 29. Direct the City Attorney to amend the Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order for property located at 909 4th Street North. 30. Bid award to BALCO Uniform Company for Police Department service uniforms and equipment (RFP25004). 31. Contractual Agreement with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Fargo Police Department to host the Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO) training course in 2025. 32. Bid award to RDO Equipment in the amount of $543,559.25 for one three axle articulated truck and associated warranty (RFP25014). 33. Bid award to Sanitation Products in the amount of $395,923.00 for one dual auto side load truck and Lease with Option to Purchase Agreement with Kinetic Leasing, Inc. (RFP24017). 34. Change Order No. 2 for a time extension to the substantial completion date to the 6/19/25 for Project No. SW 23-04. 35. Amendment (First) to Transit Passenger Shelter and Hub Snow Clearing and Hauling Services Agreement and Amendment (First) to Transit Passenger Shelter Maintenance Services Agreement with Valley Green & Associates. 36. 2026 State of North Dakota grant requests for the Transit Department, as presented. 37. Additional grant funding through the State of ND for the replacement of two 35-foot fixed route buses and two paratransit vehicles. 38. Amendment to Agreement - Lease of Rights to Sewer System with City of Oxbow. 39. Bid award to R&R Excavating in the amount of $510,245.39 for Project No. WW2005 (Sanitary Lift Station No. 62 Improvements). 40. Bills. REGULAR AGENDA: 41. Unified presentation from the FM Coalition to End Homelessness and United Way of Cass-Clay. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm: 42. PUBLIC HEARING-HAL Addition (602, 608, 612 and 616 3rd Street North; 601 and 617 4th Street North; 304 and 312 7th Avenue North); approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 10/1/24: a. Zoning Change from DMU, Downtown Mixed-Use, MR- 3, Multi-Dwelling Residential and LC, Limited Commercial to DMU, Downtown Mixed-Use. b. 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance. c. Plat of HAL Addition. 43. PUBLIC HEARING - Eagle Valley Fifth Addition (7475 24th Street South); approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 12/3/24: a. Zoning Change from LC, Limited Commercial with a C-O, Conditional Overlay to SR-5, Single-Dwelling Residential. b. 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance. 44. PUBLIC HEARING - Application for a transfer of ownership for a Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage License for Red Lobster Hospitality LLC d/b/a Red Lobster located at 4215 13th Avenue South. 45. Recommendation to adopt the Resolution of Support for Metro COG's Metropolitan Transportation Plan. 46. Recommendation to sunset the Resolution Regarding Camping on Public Property and Rights of Way. 47. Discussion on the transitioning of the Downtown Engagement Center into a Community Service Center. 48. Recommendations for appointments to the following Authority and Commission: a. Renaissance Zone Authority. b. Historic Preservation Commission. c. Native American Commission. 49. Recommendations for appointments to the Fargo Youth Initiative. 50. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates. 51. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments. Residents who would like to address the Commission, whether virtually or in person, must sign-up at Virtual Commission). THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Roll Call . FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday , December 23 , 2024 - 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE : The Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 4:00 p.m. and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of negotiation discussions regarding an offer received from Galvanizers , Inc. for the acquisition of a portion of the City property west of the landfill . Discussing this negotiation in an open meeting will have a negative fiscal effect on the bargaining position of the City of Fargo . An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1 subsection 9 . Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. B. C. D. Pledge of Allegiance . Roll Call . Approve Order of Agenda . Minutes ( Regular Meeting , December 9 , 2024 ) . CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING : 1 . 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0602 , of Article 8-06 , of Chapter 8 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating To Starting , Stopping , or Turning Movements and Required Signals . 2. Second Amendment to Findings of Fact , Conclusions and Order for property located at 1011/1013 University Drive North . 3 . 4 . Extension of the Class " A - 8 " Alcoholic Beverage License for BFG , Inc. d / b / a Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse until 6/30/25 . Renewal of the Alcoholic Beverage and Live Entertainment Licenses until 12/31/25 , contingent upon all essential requirements for renewal are met by 12/31/24 . 5. City of Fargo Resolution Authorizing Officers to Make Deposits and Withdrawals . 6. Receive and file the Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with Cass County Electric Cooperative adding the area annexed by the City of Fargo on 11/20/24 . 7 . 8 . Gaming Site Authorization for the Boys and Girls Club of the Red River Valley at Wurst Bier Hall . Applications for Games of Chance : a . Audrey Langer Medical Benefit for a raffle and raffle board on 4/5/25 ; Public Spirited Resolution . b . Fargo Area Sports / Fargo Dugout Boosters for a raffle and raffle board 3/29/25 . c . Fargo Area Sports / Fargo Dugout Boosters for bingo and a raffle board on 5/10/25 . d . Knights of Columbus Council 11930 Sts Anne & Joachim for a calendar raffle on 5/22/2025 . e . Rape and Abuse Crisis Center for bingo and a raffle on 1/25/25 . f . Safari Club International North Dakota Chapter for a raffle and raffle board on 2/28/25 and 3/1/25 . g . TNT Kid's Fitness and Gymnastics for raffles on 1 / 24 / 25-1 / 26 / 25 . 9. Memorandum of Understanding with the City of West Fargo for 7 Avenue North Project . 10. Negative Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of - $ 9,561.60 for Project 11 . No. AN - 22 - B1 . Negative Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of - $ 35,103.00 for Project No. ER - 24 - D1 . 12. Amendment No. 5 with HDR Engineering , Inc. in the amount of $ 82,288.00 for Project No. FM - 15 - JO . 13. Amendment No. 2 with HDR Engineering , Inc. in the amount of $ 9,159.70 for Project No. TR - 26 - AO . 14. Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $ 11,577.17 for Project No. QR - 22 - A1 . 15. Cost Participation and Maintenance Agreement with NDDOT for Project No. QR - 25 - A1 . 16. Contract and bond for Project No. SN - 24 - A1 . 17 . Memorandum of Offer to Landowner for Permanent Easements ( Utility ) and ( Street and Utility ) with Casey's Retail Company for Improvement District No. PR - 24 - A1 . 18. Exempt Purchase from Traffic Control Corporation in the amount of $ 134,860.00 for the Central Traffic System Software upgrade to Centracs Mobility Platform ( EX25016 ) . 19. Bid award to Sun Electric , Inc. for traffic signal t - base installation ( RFP24372 ) . 20. Prequalification of two vendors for Electrical Services , as presented ( RFP25017 ) . 21. Service Agreement with Vestis Services , LLC ( RFP25005 and RFP25006 ) . 22. Item from the FAHR Meeting to Receive and file General Fund - Budget to Actual through 11/30/24 ( unaudited ) . 23. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Emergency Services for FY 2024 State Homeland Security Program in the amount of $ 136,000.00 and related budget adjustments ( CFDA # 97.067 ) . 24. Agreement for the Joint Operation of Red River Valley Unmanned Aircraft Systems Unit with the City of West Fargo and Cass County . 25. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Health and Human Services for Regional Public Health Network ( CFDA # 93.991 ) . 26. Memorandum of Understanding with North Dakota Department of Health . 27. Appointment of the Interim Health Officer for Fargo Cass Public Health . 28. Eide Bailly LLP End - User Agreements with the City of Fargo and the FARGODOME . 29. Direct the City Attorney to amend the Findings of Fact , Conclusions and Order for property located at 909 4th Street North . 30. Bid award to BALCO Uniform Company for Police Department service uniforms and equipment ( RFP25004 ) . 31. Contractual Agreement with the International Association of Chiefs of Police ( IACP ) and the Fargo Police Department to host the Leadership in Police Organizations ( LPO ) training course in 2025 . 32. Bid award to RDO Equipment in the amount of $ 543,559.25 for one three axle articulated truck and associated warranty ( RFP25014 ) . 33. Bid award to Sanitation Products in the amount of $ 395,923.00 for one dual auto side load truck and Lease with Option to Purchase Agreement with Kinetic Leasing , Inc. ( RFP24017 ) . 34. Change Order No. 2 for a time extension to the substantial completion date to the 6/19/25 for Project No. SW 23-04 . 35. Amendment ( First ) to Transit Passenger Shelter and Hub Snow Clearing and Hauling Services Agreement and Amendment ( First ) to Transit Passenger Shelter Maintenance Services Agreement with Valley Green & Associates . 36. 2026 State of North Dakota grant requests for the Transit Department , as presented . 37. Additional grant funding through the State of ND for the replacement of two 35 - foot fixed route buses and two paratransit vehicles . 38. Amendment to Agreement - Lease of Rights to Sewer System with City of Oxbow . 39. Bid award to R & R Excavating in the amount of $ 510,245.39 for Project No. WW2005 ( Sanitary Lift Station No. 62 Improvements ) . 40. Bills . REGULAR AGENDA : 41. Unified presentation from the FM Coalition to End Homelessness and United Way of Cass - Clay . PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm : 42. PUBLIC HEARING - HAL Addition ( 602 , 608 , 612 and 616 3rd Street North ; 601 and 617 4th Street North ; 304 and 312 7th Avenue North ) ; approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 10/1/24 : a . Zoning Change from DMU , Downtown Mixed - Use , MR- 3 , Multi - Dwelling Residential and LC , Limited Commercial to DMU , Downtown Mixed - Use . b . 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance . c . Plat of HAL Addition . 43. PUBLIC HEARING - Eagle Valley Fifth Addition ( 7475 24th Street South ) ; approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 12/3/24 : a . Zoning Change from LC , Limited Commercial with a C - O , Conditional Overlay to SR - 5 , Single - Dwelling Residential . b . 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance . 44. PUBLIC HEARING - Application for a transfer of ownership for a Class " A " Alcoholic Beverage License for Red Lobster Hospitality LLC d / b / a Red Lobster located at 4215 13th Avenue South . 45. Recommendation to adopt the Resolution of Support for Metro COG's Metropolitan Transportation Plan . 46. Recommendation to sunset the Resolution Regarding Camping on Public Property and Rights of Way . 47. Discussion on the transitioning of the Downtown Engagement Center into a Community Service Center . 48. Recommendations for appointments to the following Authority and Commission : a . Renaissance Zone Authority . b . Historic Preservation Commission . c . Native American Commission . 49. Recommendations for appointments to the Fargo Youth Initiative . 50. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates . 51 . RESIDENT COMMENTS ( Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments . Residents who would like to address the Commission , whether virtually or in person , must sign - up at Virtual Commission ) .