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    February 14, 2025
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THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Roll Call. FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 5:00 p.m. Executive Session at 3:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 3:30 p.m. and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of negotiation discussions regarding offers received from WMF Properties LLC and Hazer Ventures LLC for the acquisition of portions of the City property west of the landfill. Discussing this negotiation in an open meeting will have a negative fiscal effect on the bargaining position of the City of Fargo. An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1, subsection 9. AND The Board of City Commissioners will also discuss in Executive Session in the Red River Room exempt records pertaining to Security System Plans as provided for in North Dakota Century Code §§ 44-04- 24 and 44-04-25. An Executive Session to discuss closed or confidential records is authorized by North Dakota Century Code § 44-04-19.2, subsection 1. Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. Pledge of Allegiance. B. Roll Call. C. Approve Order of Agenda. 1. D. Minutes (Regular Meeting, February 3, 2025). CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING: Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes # 4589 for property located at 6456 56th Avenue South requesting a reduction in value for 2023 from $533,700.00 to $485,200.00; staff is recommending a reduction in value to $515,500.00 for 2023. 2. Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes #4591 for property located at 1214 41st Avenue North requesting a reduction in value for 2023 from $505,900.00 to $450,800.00; staff is recommending a reduction in value to $450,800.00 for 2023. 3. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Enacting Article 3-14 of Chapter 3 of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Conference Center and City Lodging Tax; 1st reading, 2/3/25. 4. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 5 20-0402(T) and 20-0403(C)(5) of Article 20-04 of Chapter 20, of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Use Standards and Accessory Uses; 1st reading, 2/3/25. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning a Certain Parcel of Land Lying in Beardsley's Addition to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota; 1st reading, 2/3/25. 6. 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305, of Article 8-03, of Chapter 8, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to Current License and Registration Required- Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations. 7. 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 25- 1509, of Article 25-15, of Chapter 25, of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale, Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages. 8. Interim Financing Agreement, Series E with Garrison Diversion Conservancy District, Lake Agassiz Water Authority and City of Grand Forks for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project. 9. Extension of the Class "FA" Alcoholic Beverage License for Mexican Village II, LLP d/b/a Mexican Village until 6/30/25. 10. Applications for Games of Chance: a. FM Walleye's Unlimited, Inc. for a raffle 4/3/25. b. NDSU Lions Club for a raffle 4/2/25. c. North Central Turfgrass Association for a raffle 2/26/25. d. Red River Volkswagon Club for a raffle 7/26/25. e. St. Joseph's School for a raffle 4/26/25. f. Love Your Buns for a raffle 3/15/25. g. Red River Valley Figure Skating Club for a raffle 3/16/25. 11. Bid award to Central Specialties, Inc. in the amount of $562,302.20 for Project No. SN-25-A1. 12. Bid advertisement for Project No. PR-25-A. 13. Bid advertisement for Project No. QR-25-A. 14. Bid advertisement for Project No. TR-25-C. 15. Bid advertisement for Project No. TR-25-D. 16. Bid award to Northern Improvement Company in the amount of $1,995,413.50 for Improvement District No. BR-25-F1. 17. Create Improvement District No. PR-25-E and adopt Resolution of Necessity (Asphalt Mill and Overlay). 18. Items from the FAHR Meeting: a. Agreement with Rochester Armored Car Company, Inc. to include the addition of the Transit locations. b. 2025 Program of Projects for Transit - Public Hearing to be held for final approval. c. Agreement with the City of Moorhead for Federal Transit Grant Fund Distribution and related budget adjustment. d. Reallocation of unspent funds from Project No. WW1707 for procurement of a hook and hoist refuse truck. e. Additional Library security services expenses in the amount of $23,385.00 and related budget adjustment (RFP25002). 19. Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,883.25 for Fire Station No. 5 Renovation Project (electrical construction contract). 20. Bid award and associated Agreement for Vehicle Towing and Storage Services for the Inspections Department to Fargo Moorhead Towing of Fargo (RFP25064). 21. Resolution approving Plat of Avery Commons Addition. 22. Resolution approving Plat of Skyline Addition. 23. Submission of an application for the 2025 Digital Forensics LTP Grant Program to purchase the DATAPILOT Forensic Platform. 24. Extension of unpaid leave for Jeffery Kolrud through 3/2/25. 25. Extend the Services Agreement - Lawn Maintenance Services with Valley Green and Associates (RFP22037). 26. Extend the Services Agreement - Lawn Maintenance Services with JT Lawn Services (RFP23056). 27. Bid award to Northdale Oil, Inc. for fuel purchasing in the 3rd and 4th Quarters of 2025 and execute the Forward Fuel Contract (RFP25042). 28. Bills. REGULAR AGENDA: 29. Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes #4590 for the property located at 6480 56th Avenue South requesting a reduction in value for 2023. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm: 30. PUBLIC HEARING - Section 5307 Federal Transportation Administration Grant Preliminary Program of Projects for 2025. 31. PUBLIC HEARING - Grafstrom First Addition (5401 and 5617 19th Avenue North, and 2101 57th Street North); approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 12/3/24: a. Zoning change from AG, Agricultural to LI, Limited Industrial and AG, Agricultural. b. 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance. c. Plat of Grafstrom First Addition. 32. Recommendation to approve the Request for Qualifications for professional event curation and management services at the Fargo Civic Center. 33. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates. 34. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments. Residents who would like to address the Commission, whether virtually or in person, must sign-up at VirtualCommission). THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Roll Call . FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday , February 18 , 2025 - 5:00 p.m. Executive Session at 3:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE : Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 3:30 p.m. and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of negotiation discussions regarding offers received from WMF Properties LLC and Hazer Ventures LLC for the acquisition of portions of the City property west of the landfill . Discussing this negotiation in an open meeting will have a negative fiscal effect on the bargaining position of the City of Fargo . An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1 , subsection 9 . AND The Board of City Commissioners will also discuss in Executive Session in the Red River Room exempt records pertaining to Security System Plans as provided for in North Dakota Century Code §§ 44-04- 24 and 44-04-25 . An Executive Session to discuss closed or confidential records is authorized by North Dakota Century Code § 44-04-19.2 , subsection 1 . Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. Pledge of Allegiance . B. Roll Call . C. Approve Order of Agenda . 1 . D. Minutes ( Regular Meeting , February 3 , 2025 ) . CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING : Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes # 4589 for property located at 6456 56th Avenue South requesting a reduction in value for 2023 from $ 533,700.00 to $ 485,200.00 ; staff is recommending a reduction in value to $ 515,500.00 for 2023 . 2. Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes # 4591 for property located at 1214 41st Avenue North requesting a reduction in value for 2023 from $ 505,900.00 to $ 450,800.00 ; staff is recommending a reduction in value to $ 450,800.00 for 2023 . 3. 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Enacting Article 3-14 of Chapter 3 of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Conference Center and City Lodging Tax ; 1st reading , 2/3/25 . 4. 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 5 20-0402 ( T ) and 20-0403 ( C ) ( 5 ) of Article 20-04 of Chapter 20 , of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Use Standards and Accessory Uses ; 1st reading , 2/3/25 . 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning a Certain Parcel of Land Lying in Beardsley's Addition to the City of Fargo , Cass County , North Dakota ; 1st reading , 2/3/25 . 6. 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305 , of Article 8-03 , of Chapter 8 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to Current License and Registration Required- Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations . 7. 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 25- 1509 , of Article 25-15 , of Chapter 25 , of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale , Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages . 8. Interim Financing Agreement , Series E with Garrison Diversion Conservancy District , Lake Agassiz Water Authority and City of Grand Forks for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project . 9. Extension of the Class " FA " Alcoholic Beverage License for Mexican Village II , LLP d / b / a Mexican Village until 6/30/25 . 10. Applications for Games of Chance : a . FM Walleye's Unlimited , Inc. for a raffle 4/3/25 . b . NDSU Lions Club for a raffle 4/2/25 . c . North Central Turfgrass Association for a raffle 2/26/25 . d . Red River Volkswagon Club for a raffle 7/26/25 . e . St. Joseph's School for a raffle 4/26/25 . f . Love Your Buns for a raffle 3/15/25 . g . Red River Valley Figure Skating Club for a raffle 3/16/25 . 11. Bid award to Central Specialties , Inc. in the amount of $ 562,302.20 for Project No. SN - 25 - A1 . 12. Bid advertisement for Project No. PR - 25 - A . 13. Bid advertisement for Project No. QR - 25 - A . 14. Bid advertisement for Project No. TR - 25 - C . 15. Bid advertisement for Project No. TR - 25 - D . 16. Bid award to Northern Improvement Company in the amount of $ 1,995,413.50 for Improvement District No. BR - 25 - F1 . 17. Create Improvement District No. PR - 25 - E and adopt Resolution of Necessity ( Asphalt Mill and Overlay ) . 18. Items from the FAHR Meeting : a . Agreement with Rochester Armored Car Company , Inc. to include the addition of the Transit locations . b . 2025 Program of Projects for Transit - Public Hearing to be held for final approval . c . Agreement with the City of Moorhead for Federal Transit Grant Fund Distribution and related budget adjustment . d . Reallocation of unspent funds from Project No. WW1707 for procurement of a hook and hoist refuse truck . e . Additional Library security services expenses in the amount of $ 23,385.00 and related budget adjustment ( RFP25002 ) . 19. Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $ 2,883.25 for Fire Station No. 5 Renovation Project ( electrical construction contract ) . 20. Bid award and associated Agreement for Vehicle Towing and Storage Services for the Inspections Department to Fargo Moorhead Towing of Fargo ( RFP25064 ) . 21. Resolution approving Plat of Avery Commons Addition . 22. Resolution approving Plat of Skyline Addition . 23. Submission of an application for the 2025 Digital Forensics LTP Grant Program to purchase the DATAPILOT Forensic Platform . 24. Extension of unpaid leave for Jeffery Kolrud through 3/2/25 . 25. Extend the Services Agreement - Lawn Maintenance Services with Valley Green and Associates ( RFP22037 ) . 26. Extend the Services Agreement - Lawn Maintenance Services with JT Lawn Services ( RFP23056 ) . 27. Bid award to Northdale Oil , Inc. for fuel purchasing in the 3rd and 4th Quarters of 2025 and execute the Forward Fuel Contract ( RFP25042 ) . 28. Bills . REGULAR AGENDA : 29. Application for Abatement or Refund of Taxes # 4590 for the property located at 6480 56th Avenue South requesting a reduction in value for 2023 . PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm : 30. PUBLIC HEARING - Section 5307 Federal Transportation Administration Grant Preliminary Program of Projects for 2025 . 31. PUBLIC HEARING - Grafstrom First Addition ( 5401 and 5617 19th Avenue North , and 2101 57th Street North ) ; approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 12/3/24 : a . Zoning change from AG , Agricultural to LI , Limited Industrial and AG , Agricultural . b . 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance . c . Plat of Grafstrom First Addition . 32. Recommendation to approve the Request for Qualifications for professional event curation and management services at the Fargo Civic Center . 33. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates . 34. RESIDENT COMMENTS ( Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments . Residents who would like to address the Commission , whether virtually or in person , must sign - up at VirtualCommission ) .