THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Executive Session at 4:15 p.m. Roll Call. FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, February 3, 2025 - 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: The Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 2025, and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of attorney consultation regarding threatened litigation pertaining to the Board of City Commissioners approval of the acquisition of a Modular Vehicle Barrier System from Advanced Security Technologies. Discussing this matter in an open meeting will have an adverse fiscal effect on the bargaining and/or litigation position of the City of Fargo. An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1 subsections 2, 5 and 9. Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. B. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call. C. Approve Order of Agenda. D. Minutes (Regular Meeting, January 21, 2025). CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Receive and file an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305, of Article 8-03, of Chapter 8, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to Current License and Registration Required-Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations. 2. Receive and file an Ordinance Amending Section 25-1509, of Article 25-15, of Chapter 25, of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale, Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages. 3. 1st reading of an Ordinance Enacting Article 3-14 of Chapter 3 of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Conference Center and City Lodging Tax. 4. Waive requirement to receive and file an Ordinance one week prior to 1st reading and 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 20- 0402(T) and 20-0403(C)(5) of Article 20-04 of Chapter 20, of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Use Standards and Accessory Uses. 5. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Seventh Addition to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota. 6. Direct the City Attorney's Office and appropriate staff to develop a Security Policy. 7. 8. Pledged securities as of 12/31/24. Gaming Site Authorizations: a. WF Events Inc. at Spirits Lounge/Holiday Inn. b. Harwood Area Fire & Rescue Inc. at District 64. 9. Applications for Games of Chance: a. Brandi DesMarais Benefit for a raffle 2/23/25; Public Spirited Resolution. b. BPOE Elks Lodge #260 for a calendar raffle from 3/1/25 to 12/26/25. c. Fargo Elks #260 for a calendar raffle from 5/1/25 to 5/31/25. d. NDSU Asian Student Organization for a raffle on 2/15/25. e. North Dakota Newspaper Association for raffles on 5/8/25 and 5/9/25; Public Spirited Resolution. f. Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Red River Valley for a raffle board on 2/8/25. g. USA Wrestling of North Dakota for a raffle on 7/17/25. h. Vocational Training Center for a raffle on 7/11/25. 10. Bid advertisement for Project No. PR-25-B. 11. Bid advertisement for Project No. SR-25-A. 12. Create Improvement District No. BR-25-B (Paving and Utility Rehab/Reconstruction). 13. Create Improvement District No. PR-25-C (Seal Coat). 14. Memorandum of Offer to Landowner for Permanent Easement (Street and Utility) and Permanent Easement (Utility) with Liberty Square Center, LLC (Improvement District No. PR-24-A1). 15. Items from the FAHR Meeting: a. Receive and file Sales Tax Update. b. Piggyback purchase through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Great Plains Fire Equipment in the amount of $136,605.00 for 35 sets of structural firefighting turnout gear (PBC25074). c. One-year contract extension with Assistant City Attorney Erik Johnson (EX24070). 16. Resolution adopting the 2025 Cass County Multi- Hazard Mitigation Plan. 17. Lease with ND Department of Health and Human Services. 18. Resolution approving Plat of Hawthorne Elementary Addition. 19. Resolution approving Plat of Prairie Farms Third Addition. 20. Second Addendum to Landfill Use Agreement with the City of Valley City. 21. Submission of the Transit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for 2025 to the Federal Transit Administration. 22. Contract for Services with Signal of North Dakota (RFP25002). 23. Lease Agreement with the City of Moorhead for use of the Moorhead-owned Fixed Route buses. 24. Bid award in the amount of $91,174.76 to KLJ, Inc. for Architectural and Engineering Services for the GTC deck overlay (RFP25024). 25. First Amendment to Sewer Agreement with the City of Horace. 26. Contract and bond for Project No. WW2005 (ITB24354). 27. Bills. REGULAR AGENDA: 28. Recommendation for appointment of individuals, as presented, to create and manage the Request for Proposals process for a Convention Center project. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm: 29. PUBLIC HEARING - Beardsley's Addition (1142 18th Street North); approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 1/7/25: a. Zoning Change from SR-3, Single-Dwelling Residential to UMU, University Mixed-Use. b. 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance. 30. Recommendation to approve the Federal Aid Transportation Project Applications for Years 2026-2029 - Surface Transportation Block Grant application. 31. Fargo Police Foundation Presentation. 32. Legislative Update. 33. Recommendation for appointment to the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee. 34. Applications for Property Tax Exemptions for Improvements Made to Buildings: a. Roger and Nancy Gress, 3114 10th Street North (5 years). b. Cole Stoll, 1806 23rd Avenue South (5 years). c. JAR Properties, LLC, 2004 1st Avenue South (5 years). d. Melissa Burkland and Grant Syverson, 415 8th Street South (5 years). e. Richard Lindstrom and Betty Wieland, 3671 21st Street South (5 years). f. Thomas and Carolyn Buchholz T/O/D, 3702 15th Street South (5 years). g. Brandon Beliveau and Kaitlyn Schmeets, 5317 20th Street South (5 years). 35. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates. 36. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments. Residents who would like to address the Commission, whether virtually or in person, must sign-up at VirtualCommission). THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE Executive Session at 4:15 p.m. Roll Call . FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday , February 3 , 2025 - 5:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE : The Board of City Commissioners will convene in the City Commission Chambers at 4:15 p.m. on Monday , February 3 , 2025 , and retire into Executive Session in the Red River Room for the purpose of attorney consultation regarding threatened litigation pertaining to the Board of City Commissioners approval of the acquisition of a Modular Vehicle Barrier System from Advanced Security Technologies . Discussing this matter in an open meeting will have an adverse fiscal effect on the bargaining and / or litigation position of the City of Fargo . An Executive Session for this matter is authorized pursuant to North Dakota Century Code §44-04-19.1 subsections 2 , 5 and 9 . Regular Meeting at 5:00 P.M. A. B. Pledge of Allegiance . Roll Call . C. Approve Order of Agenda . D. Minutes ( Regular Meeting , January 21 , 2025 ) . CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING : 1. Receive and file an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305 , of Article 8-03 , of Chapter 8 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to Current License and Registration Required - Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations . 2. Receive and file an Ordinance Amending Section 25-1509 , of Article 25-15 , of Chapter 25 , of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale , Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages . 3. 1st reading of an Ordinance Enacting Article 3-14 of Chapter 3 of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Conference Center and City Lodging Tax . 4. Waive requirement to receive and file an Ordinance one week prior to 1st reading and 1st reading of an Ordinance Amending Section 20- 0402 ( T ) and 20-0403 ( C ) ( 5 ) of Article 20-04 of Chapter 20 , of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Use Standards and Accessory Uses . 5. 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Seventh Addition to the City of Fargo , Cass County , North Dakota . 6. Direct the City Attorney's Office and appropriate staff to develop a Security Policy . 7 . 8 . Pledged securities as of 12/31/24 . Gaming Site Authorizations : a . WF Events Inc. at Spirits Lounge / Holiday Inn . b . Harwood Area Fire & Rescue Inc. at District 64 . 9. Applications for Games of Chance : a . Brandi DesMarais Benefit for a raffle 2/23/25 ; Public Spirited Resolution . b . BPOE Elks Lodge # 260 for a calendar raffle from 3/1/25 to 12/26/25 . c . Fargo Elks # 260 for a calendar raffle from 5/1/25 to 5/31/25 . d . NDSU Asian Student Organization for a raffle on 2/15/25 . e . North Dakota Newspaper Association for raffles on 5/8/25 and 5/9/25 ; Public Spirited Resolution . f . Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Red River Valley for a raffle board on 2/8/25 . g . USA Wrestling of North Dakota for a raffle on 7/17/25 . h . Vocational Training Center for a raffle on 7/11/25 . 10. Bid advertisement for Project No. PR - 25 - B . 11. Bid advertisement for Project No. SR - 25 - A . 12. Create Improvement District No. BR - 25 - B ( Paving and Utility Rehab / Reconstruction ) . 13. Create Improvement District No. PR - 25 - C ( Seal Coat ) . 14. Memorandum of Offer to Landowner for Permanent Easement ( Street and Utility ) and Permanent Easement ( Utility ) with Liberty Square Center , LLC ( Improvement District No. PR - 24 - A1 ) . 15. Items from the FAHR Meeting : a . Receive and file Sales Tax Update . b . Piggyback purchase through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Great Plains Fire Equipment in the amount of $ 136,605.00 for 35 sets of structural firefighting turnout gear ( PBC25074 ) . c . One - year contract extension with Assistant City Attorney Erik Johnson ( EX24070 ) . 16. Resolution adopting the 2025 Cass County Multi- Hazard Mitigation Plan . 17. Lease with ND Department of Health and Human Services . 18. Resolution approving Plat of Hawthorne Elementary Addition . 19. Resolution approving Plat of Prairie Farms Third Addition . 20. Second Addendum to Landfill Use Agreement with the City of Valley City . 21. Submission of the Transit Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ( DBE ) Program for 2025 to the Federal Transit Administration . 22. Contract for Services with Signal of North Dakota ( RFP25002 ) . 23. Lease Agreement with the City of Moorhead for use of the Moorhead - owned Fixed Route buses . 24. Bid award in the amount of $ 91,174.76 to KLJ , Inc. for Architectural and Engineering Services for the GTC deck overlay ( RFP25024 ) . 25. First Amendment to Sewer Agreement with the City of Horace . 26. Contract and bond for Project No. WW2005 ( ITB24354 ) . 27. Bills . REGULAR AGENDA : 28. Recommendation for appointment of individuals , as presented , to create and manage the Request for Proposals process for a Convention Center project . PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm : 29. PUBLIC HEARING - Beardsley's Addition ( 1142 18th Street North ) ; approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 1/7/25 : a . Zoning Change from SR - 3 , Single - Dwelling Residential to UMU , University Mixed - Use . b . 1st reading of rezoning Ordinance . 30. Recommendation to approve the Federal Aid Transportation Project Applications for Years 2026-2029 - Surface Transportation Block Grant application . 31. Fargo Police Foundation Presentation . 32. Legislative Update . 33. Recommendation for appointment to the Sustainability and Resiliency Committee . 34. Applications for Property Tax Exemptions for Improvements Made to Buildings : a . Roger and Nancy Gress , 3114 10th Street North ( 5 years ) . b . Cole Stoll , 1806 23rd Avenue South ( 5 years ) . c . JAR Properties , LLC , 2004 1st Avenue South ( 5 years ) . d . Melissa Burkland and Grant Syverson , 415 8th Street South ( 5 years ) . e . Richard Lindstrom and Betty Wieland , 3671 21st Street South ( 5 years ) . f . Thomas and Carolyn Buchholz T / O / D , 3702 15th Street South ( 5 years ) . g . Brandon Beliveau and Kaitlyn Schmeets , 5317 20th Street South ( 5 years ) . 35. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates . 36. RESIDENT COMMENTS ( Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments . Residents who would like to address the Commission , whether virtually or in person , must sign - up at VirtualCommission ) .