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    October 11, 2024
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THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE A Pledge of Allegiance B Roll Call C. Approve Order of Agenda D. Minutes (Regular Meeting. September 30, 2024) CONSENT AGENDA-APPROVE THE FOLLOWING: FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, October 14, 2024 - 5:00 p.m. 1 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Addition to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota 1st reading, 9/30/24 2. 2nd reading waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Second Addition to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota 1st reading 9/30/24 3. Applications for Games of Chance: a Alpha Tau Omega for a rate on 1114/24 b. Benefit for Jon Peterson for a raffle on 10/20/24; Public Spirited Resolution c. Benefit for Ryder Schmidt for a raffle on 10/25/24; Public Spirited Resolution d. Centennial Elementary PTO for bingo on 10/25/24 and 1/24/25 e. Dakota Fusion FC for a raffle on 12/2/24 Davies Theatre Department for a raffle on 11/7/24-1110/24 3/6/25-39/25 9. El Zagal for a raffle and raffleboard on 2/15/25 h. El Zagal Outdoors Unlimited for a raffle on 10/29/24. Fargo Air Museum for bingo on 10/31/24 Pink Plaid for a raffle on 10/17/24 Red River Children's Advocacy Center for a raffle and rattle board on 10/25/24 L River Keepers for a raffle on 10/24/24 Ruff International for a raffle on 10/26/24 United Way of Cass-Clay for a raffle board on 116/24 United Way of Cass Clay for a raffle on 118/24. 4. Gaming Site Authorization for Friends of the Children Fargo- Moorhead at Crooked Pint Ale House. 5. Renewal of the Alcoholic Beverage and Live Entertainment licenses until 9/30/25, contingent upon all essential requirements for renewal are met. 6. 2025 City Commission meeting dates. 7. Contract Amendment No. 1 with Houston Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $29.350.50 for Project No. MS-24-40. 8 9. Bid award to Master Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $136,999.00 for Project No. UR-24-11 Bid award for Consulting Engineering Services with Houston Engineering, Inc. for Project No. NR-25-00 10. Bid award for Consulting Engineering Services with Houston Engineering, Inc. for Project No. NR-26-80. 11. Application for Early Building Permit at 4100 44th Street North Improvement District No. BN-24-85 12. Private Utility Relocation Reimbursement to Cass County Electric Cooperative in the amount of $29.473.35 for Improvement District No. BN-24-81 13. Reimbursement to Xcel Energy in the amount of $7,099.05 for installation of 1 phase power transformer for Improvement District No. BR-24-C 14. Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $23.900.87 for Improvement District No. BN-23-E1 15. Change Order No. 1 for a time extension to the final completion date to 3/1/25 for Improvement District No. BN-23-G1 16. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $23.982.55 and a 27-calendar day time extension to the substantial and final completion dates for Improvement District No. BR-24-FL 17. Bid award to Dakota Underground Company, Inc. in the amount of $9,841,796.56 for improvement District No. BN-24-81 18. Amended Engineer's Report for Improvement District No. UR- 24-FL 19. Create Improvement District No. BR-25-8 (Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction 20 tems from the FAHR Staff Meeting: & Donation of up to $4,000.00 from the Fargo Police Foundation b. Interlocal Agreement with Cass County for the 2024 Edward Bye Memorial Justice Assistant Grant (JAG) Program in the amount of $66.729.00 c. Budget adjustments in the amount of $51,04100 for the Health and Fire/EMS Departments d. Amendment (First) to Lease Agreement with Prairie Public Broadcasting, Inc. e. Utility Billing Department to pause the increase of the base meter charge for the Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AM) project 21. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $57 million City of Fargo Refunding Improvement Bonds, Series 2024H Prescribing the Terms and Covenants Thereof, And Creating aFund for the Payment Thereof and Resolution Creating the Funds of Improvement Districts, Providing for and Appropriating Special Assessments for Support and Maintenance of Said Funds, and Authorizing issuance of not exceeding $57 million Improvement Wamants (Series 2024H Thereon 22. Grant Award from the ND Department of Emergency Services Division of Homeland Security in the amount of $51,616.00 for the FY2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (CFDA $97.042) 23. Agreement for Services with New Roots Midwest. 24. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Health and Human Services for Women, Infant and Children (CFDA #10.557) 25. Contract Agreement for Services with The Medicine Shoppe. 26 NOPERS Transition and benefit renewals effective 1125, as presented 27. Direct the City Attorney's Office to draft revisions to Fargo Municipal Code Sections 12-0105 and 12-01 28 License Agreement with The Park District of the City of Fargo for a biking trail 29. Second Amendment to Contract for Services with Sentry Security, Inc. (RFP1179) 31 30. Amendment to Task Order with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. in the amount of $57,000.00 for Project No. SW 24-01 Amendment to Task Order with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. in the amount of $145,594.50 for Project No. SW 23-01 32. Addendum to Lease Agreement (County Road No. 20 Lit Station with the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo 33. Change Order No. 6 with PKG Contracting Inc. in the amount of $998.002.00 for F O for Project No. WW170 34. Task Order No. 33 with AE2S in the amount of $619,350.00 for Project No WA2451 35. Task Order No. 34 with AE2S in the amount of $199,300.00 for Project No. WA2158 35. Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant authorizing filing of application with the ND Department of Environmental Quality for a loan under the Clean Water Act and/or Safe Drinking Water Act (Water Supply and Treatment Improvements (Project No. WA2402) 37 B REGULAR AGENDA: 33. Construction Update. PUBLIC HEARINGS-5:15pm: 39. PUBLIC HEARING-Special Assessment List for the following Improvement D Assessmetricts, all having been approved by the Special nt Commission on 8/29/24 continued from the 9:30/24 Regular Meeting a New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. B BN-22 C b. New Utility and Paving Construction Improvement District No. BN-22-F New P Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN-22-G New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN-22-L e. New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN-23 C Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-22-A Paving and Utility Rehab/Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-22-8 Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-22-C Paving and Utility Rehab/Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23-8 aving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23-C k Paving and Utility R Rehab/Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23- Paving and Utility R Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23-F m. Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23-H Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR-23-J New Paving Construction Improvement District No. PN-22-M Asphalt Wear Course Improvement District No. PN-23-A New Paving Construction Improvement District No. PN-23-E Seal Coat Improvement District No. PR-23-C s. Asphalt Mill and Overlay Improvement District No. PR-23-E Asphalt Mill and Overlay Improvement District No. PR-23-G New Utility Construction Improvement District No. UN-23A Usity Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. UR- 23-A 40. Recommendation to approve the Final Report of the Fargo Transportation Plan 41 Recommendation to adopt the Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant authorizing application with the ND Department of Environmental Quality for a loan under the Clean Water Act and/ or Safe Drinking Water Act (Lead Service Line Replacement 42. Camping Ordinance and Resolution Implementation Update 43. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates 44. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments. Residents who would like to address the Commission, whether virtually or in person, must sign-up at THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE A Pledge of Allegiance B Roll Call C. Approve Order of Agenda D. Minutes ( Regular Meeting . September 30 , 2024 ) CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING : FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday , October 14 , 2024 - 5:00 p.m. 1 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Addition to the City of Fargo , Cass County , North Dakota 1st reading , 9/30/24 2. 2nd reading waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Parcels of Land Lying in The Pines at the District Second Addition to the City of Fargo , Cass County , North Dakota 1st reading 9/30/24 3. Applications for Games of Chance : a Alpha Tau Omega for a rate on 1114/24 b . Benefit for Jon Peterson for a raffle on 10/20/24 ; Public Spirited Resolution c . Benefit for Ryder Schmidt for a raffle on 10/25/24 ; Public Spirited Resolution d . Centennial Elementary PTO for bingo on 10/25/24 and 1/24/25 e . Dakota Fusion FC for a raffle on 12/2/24 Davies Theatre Department for a raffle on 11 / 7 / 24-1110 / 24 3 / 6 / 25-39 / 25 9. El Zagal for a raffle and raffleboard on 2/15/25 h . El Zagal Outdoors Unlimited for a raffle on 10/29/24 . Fargo Air Museum for bingo on 10/31/24 Pink Plaid for a raffle on 10/17/24 Red River Children's Advocacy Center for a raffle and rattle board on 10/25/24 L River Keepers for a raffle on 10/24/24 Ruff International for a raffle on 10/26/24 United Way of Cass - Clay for a raffle board on 116/24 United Way of Cass Clay for a raffle on 118/24 . 4. Gaming Site Authorization for Friends of the Children Fargo- Moorhead at Crooked Pint Ale House . 5. Renewal of the Alcoholic Beverage and Live Entertainment licenses until 9/30/25 , contingent upon all essential requirements for renewal are met . 6. 2025 City Commission meeting dates . 7. Contract Amendment No. 1 with Houston Engineering , Inc. in the amount of $ 29.350.50 for Project No. MS - 24-40 . 8 9 . Bid award to Master Construction Company , Inc. in the amount of $ 136,999.00 for Project No. UR - 24-11 Bid award for Consulting Engineering Services with Houston Engineering , Inc. for Project No. NR - 25-00 10. Bid award for Consulting Engineering Services with Houston Engineering , Inc. for Project No. NR - 26-80 . 11. Application for Early Building Permit at 4100 44th Street North Improvement District No. BN - 24-85 12. Private Utility Relocation Reimbursement to Cass County Electric Cooperative in the amount of $ 29.473.35 for Improvement District No. BN - 24-81 13. Reimbursement to Xcel Energy in the amount of $ 7,099.05 for installation of 1 phase power transformer for Improvement District No. BR - 24 - C 14. Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $ 23.900.87 for Improvement District No. BN - 23 - E1 15. Change Order No. 1 for a time extension to the final completion date to 3/1/25 for Improvement District No. BN - 23 - G1 16. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $ 23.982.55 and a 27 - calendar day time extension to the substantial and final completion dates for Improvement District No. BR - 24 - FL 17. Bid award to Dakota Underground Company , Inc. in the amount of $ 9,841,796.56 for improvement District No. BN - 24-81 18. Amended Engineer's Report for Improvement District No. UR- 24 - FL 19. Create Improvement District No. BR - 25-8 ( Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction 20 tems from the FAHR Staff Meeting : & Donation of up to $ 4,000.00 from the Fargo Police Foundation b . Interlocal Agreement with Cass County for the 2024 Edward Bye Memorial Justice Assistant Grant ( JAG ) Program in the amount of $ 66.729.00 c . Budget adjustments in the amount of $ 51,04100 for the Health and Fire / EMS Departments d . Amendment ( First ) to Lease Agreement with Prairie Public Broadcasting , Inc. e . Utility Billing Department to pause the increase of the base meter charge for the Advanced Meter Infrastructure ( AM ) project 21. Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $ 57 million City of Fargo Refunding Improvement Bonds , Series 2024H Prescribing the Terms and Covenants Thereof , And Creating aFund for the Payment Thereof and Resolution Creating the Funds of Improvement Districts , Providing for and Appropriating Special Assessments for Support and Maintenance of Said Funds , and Authorizing issuance of not exceeding $ 57 million Improvement Wamants ( Series 2024H Thereon 22. Grant Award from the ND Department of Emergency Services Division of Homeland Security in the amount of $ 51,616.00 for the FY2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant ( CFDA $ 97.042 ) 23. Agreement for Services with New Roots Midwest . 24. Notice of Grant Award from the ND Department of Health and Human Services for Women , Infant and Children ( CFDA # 10.557 ) 25. Contract Agreement for Services with The Medicine Shoppe . 26 NOPERS Transition and benefit renewals effective 1125 , as presented 27. Direct the City Attorney's Office to draft revisions to Fargo Municipal Code Sections 12-0105 and 12-01 28 License Agreement with The Park District of the City of Fargo for a biking trail 29. Second Amendment to Contract for Services with Sentry Security , Inc. ( RFP1179 ) 31 30. Amendment to Task Order with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. in the amount of $ 57,000.00 for Project No. SW 24-01 Amendment to Task Order with Stantec Consulting Services Inc. in the amount of $ 145,594.50 for Project No. SW 23-01 32. Addendum to Lease Agreement ( County Road No. 20 Lit Station with the Municipal Airport Authority of the City of Fargo 33. Change Order No. 6 with PKG Contracting Inc. in the amount of $ 998.002.00 for F O for Project No. WW170 34. Task Order No. 33 with AE2S in the amount of $ 619,350.00 for Project No WA2451 35. Task Order No. 34 with AE2S in the amount of $ 199,300.00 for Project No. WA2158 35. Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant authorizing filing of application with the ND Department of Environmental Quality for a loan under the Clean Water Act and / or Safe Drinking Water Act ( Water Supply and Treatment Improvements ( Project No. WA2402 ) 37 B REGULAR AGENDA : 33. Construction Update . PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5 : 15pm : 39. PUBLIC HEARING - Special Assessment List for the following Improvement D Assessmetricts , all having been approved by the Special nt Commission on 8/29/24 continued from the 9 : 30/24 Regular Meeting a New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. B BN - 22 C b . New Utility and Paving Construction Improvement District No. BN - 22 - F New P Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN - 22 - G New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN - 22 - L e . New Paving and Utility Construction Improvement District No. BN - 23 C Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 22 - A Paving and Utility Rehab / Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 22-8 Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 22 - C Paving and Utility Rehab / Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23-8 aving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23 - C k Paving and Utility R Rehab / Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23- Paving and Utility R Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23 - F m . Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23 - H Paving and Utility Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. BR - 23 - J New Paving Construction Improvement District No. PN - 22 - M Asphalt Wear Course Improvement District No. PN - 23 - A New Paving Construction Improvement District No. PN - 23 - E Seal Coat Improvement District No. PR - 23 - C s . Asphalt Mill and Overlay Improvement District No. PR - 23 - E Asphalt Mill and Overlay Improvement District No. PR - 23 - G New Utility Construction Improvement District No. UN - 23A Usity Rehab Reconstruction Improvement District No. UR- 23 - A 40. Recommendation to approve the Final Report of the Fargo Transportation Plan 41 Recommendation to adopt the Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant authorizing application with the ND Department of Environmental Quality for a loan under the Clean Water Act and / or Safe Drinking Water Act ( Lead Service Line Replacement 42. Camping Ordinance and Resolution Implementation Update 43. Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates 44. RESIDENT COMMENTS ( Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments . Residents who would like to address the Commission , whether virtually or in person , must sign - up at