THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE A. B. C. D. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call. Approve Order of Agenda. FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, March 3, 2025 - 5:00 p.m. Minutes (Regular Meeting, February 18, 2025). CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING: 1. 1. Time change to 5:05 p.m. for Public Hearings effective 7/7/25. 2. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305, of Article 8-03, of Chapter 8, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to Current License and Registration Required- Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1, of the Fargo Municipal Code, Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations; 1st reading, 2/18/25. 3. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 25-1509, of Article 25-15, of Chapter 25, of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale, Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages; 1st reading, 2/18/25. 2nd reading, waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning a Certain Parcel of Land Lying in Grafstrom First Addition to the City of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota; 1st reading, 2/18/25. 5. Applications for Games of Chance: 6. 7. 8. 9. a. GiGi's Playhouse for a raffle on 3/29/25. b. Knights of Columbus - 6570 for a calendar raffle from 5/1/25-5/31/25. c. NDSU Kappa Delta Sorority for a raffle 3/29/25. d. Nordic Culture Clubs for a raffle on 4/5/25. e. North Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants for a raffle on 5/9/25. f. TNT Kid's Fitness and Gymnastics for a raffle on 3/21/25-3/23/25. Developer Agreements with Just North of the Horse Park, LLC, and Randy and Stacie Harwood for Grafstrom First Addition. Developer Agreement with Bison Gold Investments, LLC for Skyline Addition. Change Order No. 5 in the amount of -$3,092.00 and time extensions to the Interim Completion Date 2 to 9/20/24, Interim Completion Date 3 to 9/14/24 and the Substantial Completion Date to 10/31/24 for Project No. NR-23-A2. Amendment No. 1 with Houston Engineering in the amount of $26,500.00 for Project No. SN-25-BO. 10. Bid award to Pleasant and Sons Construction in the amount of $149,538.00 for Project 11. No. TN-24-A1. Bid award to Border States Electric for street lighting materials (RFP #s 25018, 25019 and 25020). 12. Contract and bond for Project No. ER-24-C1. 13. Contract and bond for Improvement District No. BR- 25-F1. 14. Bid award to Dakota Underground Company Inc. in the amount of $2,988,482.36 for Improvement District No. BR-25-E1. 15. Create Improvement District No. BR-25-C (Paving and Utility Rehab/Reconstruction) and adopt Resolution of Necessity. 16. Create Improvement District No. NR-24-C (Lift Station Rehab/Reconstruction) and adopt Resolution of 17. Necessity. Items from the FAHR Meeting: a. Receive and file General Fund - 2024 Year End Preliminary and Sales Tax Update. b. Reimbursement to Cass Rural Water User District in the amount of $190,867.95 for water billing overcharge. c. Modification to the Transit financial model to add an allocation for City of Fargo overhead costs and approve the related budget adjustments. 18. Purchase of Service Agreement with ND Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Division. 19. Intent to extend and expand the Credible Mind Platform License Agreement (EX25094). 20. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Full-Service Contract for EAP Services with The Village Family Service Center. 21. Benefit Plan Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. 22. Drug and Alcohol Policy - Federal Transit Administration, effective January 2025 (Policy Number 400-008-B). 23. Receive and file the 10-year review of the City's Public Arts Program document "ROI: Ripples of Impact". 24. Police Department Service Uniforms and Equipment Agreement with BALCO Uniform Co., Inc. (RFP25004). 25. Bid Award to Ferguson Waterworks for the purchase of Water Main Materials, Miscellaneous Water Distribution Materials, Fire Hydrants/Parts and Miscellaneous Street Materials (RFP25065). 26. Bid awards for Aggregate Materials, Concrete, Concrete Materials, Asphalt, Emulsified Asphalt and black dirt as presented (RFP25066). 27. Transit Director as the Public Transportation Operators designee to sign the Memorandum of Agreement Covering Metropolitan Planning with the Fargo- Moorhead Metropolitan Area. 28. Amendment No. 1 to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Subgrant Agreement for Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) 2020 with the ND Department of Emergency Services (Project No. WW1905). 29. Bills. REGULAR AGENDA: 30. Presentation by Gate City Bank of the 2025 Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) Program. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm: 31. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 3/17/25 Vacation Plat of portions of 22nd Street North, the remainder of 8th Avenue North lying West of 21st Street North, and the Block 34 East-West alley, all originally dedicated with Beardsley's Addition, lying between 7th and 8th Avenues North (2105 and 2115 7th Avenue North; 706, 716, 718, 724 and 738 21st Street North; 705 22nd Street North); approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 6/4/24. 32. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 4/14/25 Application to transfer a Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage License from BFG, Inc. d/b/a Borrowed Bucks to No Blue, LLC d/b/a Lyv at Uptown Main to be located at 2850 Uptown Way. 33. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 4/14/25 Application for an ownership change of a Class "A" Alcoholic Beverage License for 518 Properties LLC d/b/a 518 Properties located at 4554 7th Avenue South. 34. PUBLIC HEARING - Application for an ownership change of a Class "FA-Golf" Alcoholic Beverage License from Spirit Properties, Inc. d/b/a Edgewood Tavern to Edgewood Tavern, LLC d/b/a Edgewood Tavern located at 19 Golf Course Road. 35. PUBLIC HEARING - Special Assessments for nuisance abatement fees. 36. PUBLIC HEARING - Special Assessments for sewer repairs. 37. Presentation of the Annual Review of F-M Ambulance, Inc. d/b/a Sanford Ambulance -Fargo. 38. Recommendation to authorize the Fargo Dome Authority to develop a proposal for the FARGODOME to be a possible location for the new Convention Center. 39. Recommendation to waive the fee for privately owned lead service line replacements with completed EPA- mandated follow up requirements (Project No. WA2403). 40. Recommendation to direct the City Attorney's Office to draft revisions to Fargo Municipal Codes 25-1518(a) and 10-0326. 41. Recommendation to extend the Camping Resolution to 4/30/25. 42. Applications for Property Tax Exemptions for Improvements Made to Buildings: a. Allan Luistro and Mary English-Luistro, 5027 Rose Creek Parkway South (5 years). b. Steven Fischer, 3907 20th Street South (5 years). c. 2Dogs and 2Cats, LLC, 1514 4th Avenue North (5 years). d. Michael and Pamela Redlinger, 2410 Parkview Drive South (5 years). e. Kelly Lackman and Scott Steffes T/O/D, 4714 Rose Creek Parkway South (5 years). f. John Wheeler and Emily Williams-Wheeler, 412 9th Avenue South (5 years). g. Kevin and Holly Prodoehl, 2526 32nd Street South (5 years). h. Block 8, LLC, 814 Main Avenue (5 years). i. Tyler and Mary Brandriet, 44 35th Avenue Northeast (5 years). j. Pauline Aamodt, 1307 21st Street South (5 years). k. Whiskey Birdie, LLC, 613 2nd Street North (5 years). I. David and Brooke Flaten, 1725 10th Street South (5 years). m. REA Revocable Trust, 3010 35 1/2 Court Avenue South (5 years). n. Kyle and Elisabeth Barlow, 1111 7th Street South (5 years). o. Savvy Maverick, LLC, 1426 3rd Avenue South (5 years). p. Jade and Laney Witty, 1529 Broadway North (5 years). q. Shanon Sell, 2505 64th Avenue South (5 years). r. Barbara Merth, 1818 11th Avenue South (5 years). s. 3222, LLC, 3511 Main Avenue (5 years). t. 3222, LLC, 3511 Main Avenue (5 years). u. Brady Pekas, 1001 4th Street South (5 years). Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates. 43. 44. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments. Residents who would like to address the Commission, whether virtually or in person, must sign-up at Virtual Commission). THE CITY OF Fargo FAR MORE A. B. C. D. Pledge of Allegiance . Roll Call . Approve Order of Agenda . FARGO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday , March 3 , 2025 - 5:00 p.m. Minutes ( Regular Meeting , February 18 , 2025 ) . CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVE THE FOLLOWING : 1. 1. Time change to 5:05 p.m. for Public Hearings effective 7/7/25 . 2. 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 8-0305 , of Article 8-03 , of Chapter 8 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to Current License and Registration Required- Impoundment for Violation and Section 1-0305 of Article 1-03 of Chapter 1 , of the Fargo Municipal Code , Relating to the Classification of Ordinance Violations ; 1st reading , 2/18/25 . 3. 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Amending Section 25-1509 , of Article 25-15 , of Chapter 25 , of the Fargo Municipal Code Relating to Restrictions on Sale , Service or Dispensing of Alcoholic Beverages ; 1st reading , 2/18/25 . 2nd reading , waive reading and final adoption of an Ordinance Rezoning a Certain Parcel of Land Lying in Grafstrom First Addition to the City of Fargo , Cass County , North Dakota ; 1st reading , 2/18/25 . 5. Applications for Games of Chance : 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . a . GiGi's Playhouse for a raffle on 3/29/25 . b . Knights of Columbus - 6570 for a calendar raffle from 5 / 1 / 25-5 / 31 / 25 . c . NDSU Kappa Delta Sorority for a raffle 3/29/25 . d . Nordic Culture Clubs for a raffle on 4/5/25 . e . North Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants for a raffle on 5/9/25 . f . TNT Kid's Fitness and Gymnastics for a raffle on 3 / 21 / 25-3 / 23 / 25 . Developer Agreements with Just North of the Horse Park , LLC , and Randy and Stacie Harwood for Grafstrom First Addition . Developer Agreement with Bison Gold Investments , LLC for Skyline Addition . Change Order No. 5 in the amount of - $ 3,092.00 and time extensions to the Interim Completion Date 2 to 9/20/24 , Interim Completion Date 3 to 9/14/24 and the Substantial Completion Date to 10/31/24 for Project No. NR - 23 - A2 . Amendment No. 1 with Houston Engineering in the amount of $ 26,500.00 for Project No. SN - 25 - BO . 10. Bid award to Pleasant and Sons Construction in the amount of $ 149,538.00 for Project 11 . No. TN - 24 - A1 . Bid award to Border States Electric for street lighting materials ( RFP #s 25018 , 25019 and 25020 ) . 12. Contract and bond for Project No. ER - 24 - C1 . 13. Contract and bond for Improvement District No. BR- 25 - F1 . 14. Bid award to Dakota Underground Company Inc. in the amount of $ 2,988,482.36 for Improvement District No. BR - 25 - E1 . 15. Create Improvement District No. BR - 25 - C ( Paving and Utility Rehab / Reconstruction ) and adopt Resolution of Necessity . 16. Create Improvement District No. NR - 24 - C ( Lift Station Rehab / Reconstruction ) and adopt Resolution of 17 . Necessity . Items from the FAHR Meeting : a . Receive and file General Fund - 2024 Year End Preliminary and Sales Tax Update . b . Reimbursement to Cass Rural Water User District in the amount of $ 190,867.95 for water billing overcharge . c . Modification to the Transit financial model to add an allocation for City of Fargo overhead costs and approve the related budget adjustments . 18. Purchase of Service Agreement with ND Department of Health and Human Services , Behavioral Health Division . 19. Intent to extend and expand the Credible Mind Platform License Agreement ( EX25094 ) . 20. Employee Assistance Program ( EAP ) Full - Service Contract for EAP Services with The Village Family Service Center . 21. Benefit Plan Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota . 22. Drug and Alcohol Policy - Federal Transit Administration , effective January 2025 ( Policy Number 400-008 - B ) . 23. Receive and file the 10 - year review of the City's Public Arts Program document " ROI : Ripples of Impact " . 24. Police Department Service Uniforms and Equipment Agreement with BALCO Uniform Co. , Inc. ( RFP25004 ) . 25. Bid Award to Ferguson Waterworks for the purchase of Water Main Materials , Miscellaneous Water Distribution Materials , Fire Hydrants / Parts and Miscellaneous Street Materials ( RFP25065 ) . 26. Bid awards for Aggregate Materials , Concrete , Concrete Materials , Asphalt , Emulsified Asphalt and black dirt as presented ( RFP25066 ) . 27. Transit Director as the Public Transportation Operators designee to sign the Memorandum of Agreement Covering Metropolitan Planning with the Fargo- Moorhead Metropolitan Area . 28. Amendment No. 1 to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Subgrant Agreement for Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities ( BRIC ) 2020 with the ND Department of Emergency Services ( Project No. WW1905 ) . 29. Bills . REGULAR AGENDA : 30. Presentation by Gate City Bank of the 2025 Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative ( NRI ) Program . PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:15 pm : 31. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 3/17/25 Vacation Plat of portions of 22nd Street North , the remainder of 8th Avenue North lying West of 21st Street North , and the Block 34 East - West alley , all originally dedicated with Beardsley's Addition , lying between 7th and 8th Avenues North ( 2105 and 2115 7th Avenue North ; 706 , 716 , 718 , 724 and 738 21st Street North ; 705 22nd Street North ) ; approval recommended by the Planning Commission on 6/4/24 . 32. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 4/14/25 Application to transfer a Class " A " Alcoholic Beverage License from BFG , Inc. d / b / a Borrowed Bucks to No Blue , LLC d / b / a Lyv at Uptown Main to be located at 2850 Uptown Way . 33. PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUE to 4/14/25 Application for an ownership change of a Class " A " Alcoholic Beverage License for 518 Properties LLC d / b / a 518 Properties located at 4554 7th Avenue South . 34. PUBLIC HEARING - Application for an ownership change of a Class " FA - Golf " Alcoholic Beverage License from Spirit Properties , Inc. d / b / a Edgewood Tavern to Edgewood Tavern , LLC d / b / a Edgewood Tavern located at 19 Golf Course Road . 35. PUBLIC HEARING - Special Assessments for nuisance abatement fees . 36. PUBLIC HEARING - Special Assessments for sewer repairs . 37. Presentation of the Annual Review of F - M Ambulance , Inc. d / b / a Sanford Ambulance -Fargo . 38. Recommendation to authorize the Fargo Dome Authority to develop a proposal for the FARGODOME to be a possible location for the new Convention Center . 39. Recommendation to waive the fee for privately owned lead service line replacements with completed EPA- mandated follow up requirements ( Project No. WA2403 ) . 40. Recommendation to direct the City Attorney's Office to draft revisions to Fargo Municipal Codes 25-1518 ( a ) and 10-0326 . 41. Recommendation to extend the Camping Resolution to 4/30/25 . 42. Applications for Property Tax Exemptions for Improvements Made to Buildings : a . Allan Luistro and Mary English - Luistro , 5027 Rose Creek Parkway South ( 5 years ) . b . Steven Fischer , 3907 20th Street South ( 5 years ) . c . 2Dogs and 2Cats , LLC , 1514 4th Avenue North ( 5 years ) . d . Michael and Pamela Redlinger , 2410 Parkview Drive South ( 5 years ) . e . Kelly Lackman and Scott Steffes T / O / D , 4714 Rose Creek Parkway South ( 5 years ) . f . John Wheeler and Emily Williams - Wheeler , 412 9th Avenue South ( 5 years ) . g . Kevin and Holly Prodoehl , 2526 32nd Street South ( 5 years ) . h . Block 8 , LLC , 814 Main Avenue ( 5 years ) . i . Tyler and Mary Brandriet , 44 35th Avenue Northeast ( 5 years ) . j . Pauline Aamodt , 1307 21st Street South ( 5 years ) . k . Whiskey Birdie , LLC , 613 2nd Street North ( 5 years ) . I. David and Brooke Flaten , 1725 10th Street South ( 5 years ) . m . REA Revocable Trust , 3010 35 1/2 Court Avenue South ( 5 years ) . n . Kyle and Elisabeth Barlow , 1111 7th Street South ( 5 years ) . o . Savvy Maverick , LLC , 1426 3rd Avenue South ( 5 years ) . p . Jade and Laney Witty , 1529 Broadway North ( 5 years ) . q . Shanon Sell , 2505 64th Avenue South ( 5 years ) . r . Barbara Merth , 1818 11th Avenue South ( 5 years ) . s . 3222 , LLC , 3511 Main Avenue ( 5 years ) . t . 3222 , LLC , 3511 Main Avenue ( 5 years ) . u . Brady Pekas , 1001 4th Street South ( 5 years ) . Liaison Commissioner Assignment Updates . 43 . 44. RESIDENT COMMENTS ( Fargo residents will be offered 2.5 minutes for comment with a maximum of 30 minutes total for all resident comments . Residents who would like to address the Commission , whether virtually or in person , must sign - up at Virtual Commission ) .