3:30 PM CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 4, 2024 CONSENT AGENDA Meeting called to order Roll call of the members Pledge of Allegiance Approve minutes of previous meeting Approve order of agenda a. Approve raffle permit for Chaffee Lions Club b. Authorize North Dakota Department of Transportation County Federal Aid Maintenance Certification and Cass County Federal Aid Program for 2025 c. Retroactively approve special event permit for Downtown Tavern dba The Boiler Room; permit for Jack Nick, LLC dba Knickerbocker Liquor Locker d. Authorize purchase of door access controls for the Law Enforcement Storage Building e. Contract approval-Houston Engineering, Inc. hydraulic study on Cass Highway 81; 2025 Youthworks agreement for youth shelter services PUBLIC COMMENT REGULAR AGENDA 1. Set public hearing for road rights-of-ways (Stamness) 2. Fire Emergency and Burn Restrictions Declaration (Prochniak) 3. Public hearing on tax-forfeited properties (Madrigga) 4. Sheriff's Office staffing levels (Jahner) 5. NDDOCR Prioritization Plan (Wilson) 6. Appoint member to Cass County Planning Commission (Commissioners) 7. Approve vouchers (Breitling) 8. Committee reports 9. Correspondence 10. Adjournment MEETING REMINDERS-A quorum of Commissioners may be present at any of the following meetings: November 4, 1:00 PM-Cass Human Service Zone Advisory Board meeting, Commission Room November 7, 9:00 AM-Maple River Water Resource District meeting, Highway Department November 12, 8:30 AM-Southeast Cass Water Resource District meeting, Highway Department November 12, 9:00 AM-Cass County Weed Control Board meeting, Weed Control Office November 14, 9:00 AM-Cass County Joint Water Resource District Board meeting, Highway Department November 14, 10:00 AM-Red River Regional Dispatch Center Board of Authority meeting, Commission Room NEXT REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 18, 2024 AGENDA DEADLINE IS 5:00 PM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2024 *County Commission and Committee meetings will be streamed live on Cass County Government Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages 3:30 PM CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 4 , 2024 CONSENT AGENDA Meeting called to order Roll call of the members Pledge of Allegiance Approve minutes of previous meeting Approve order of agenda a . Approve raffle permit for Chaffee Lions Club b . Authorize North Dakota Department of Transportation County Federal Aid Maintenance Certification and Cass County Federal Aid Program for 2025 c . Retroactively approve special event permit for Downtown Tavern dba The Boiler Room ; permit for Jack Nick , LLC dba Knickerbocker Liquor Locker d . Authorize purchase of door access controls for the Law Enforcement Storage Building e . Contract approval - Houston Engineering , Inc. hydraulic study on Cass Highway 81 ; 2025 Youthworks agreement for youth shelter services PUBLIC COMMENT REGULAR AGENDA 1. Set public hearing for road rights - of - ways ( Stamness ) 2. Fire Emergency and Burn Restrictions Declaration ( Prochniak ) 3. Public hearing on tax - forfeited properties ( Madrigga ) 4. Sheriff's Office staffing levels ( Jahner ) 5. NDDOCR Prioritization Plan ( Wilson ) 6. Appoint member to Cass County Planning Commission ( Commissioners ) 7. Approve vouchers ( Breitling ) 8. Committee reports 9. Correspondence 10. Adjournment MEETING REMINDERS - A quorum of Commissioners may be present at any of the following meetings : November 4 , 1:00 PM - Cass Human Service Zone Advisory Board meeting , Commission Room November 7 , 9:00 AM - Maple River Water Resource District meeting , Highway Department November 12 , 8:30 AM - Southeast Cass Water Resource District meeting , Highway Department November 12 , 9:00 AM - Cass County Weed Control Board meeting , Weed Control Office November 14 , 9:00 AM - Cass County Joint Water Resource District Board meeting , Highway Department November 14 , 10:00 AM - Red River Regional Dispatch Center Board of Authority meeting , Commission Room NEXT REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 18 , 2024 AGENDA DEADLINE IS 5:00 PM ON MONDAY , NOVEMBER 11 , 2024 * County Commission and Committee meetings will be streamed live on Cass County Government Facebook , Twitter and YouTube pages